Found 524 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: transcription/rna/dna

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
367 1474 8uisA Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
266 1160 8uisB Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
21 171 8uisG Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
24 148 8uisH Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
13 65 8uisJ Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
30 115 8uisK Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
13 114 8uisI Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
42 122 8uisS Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
38 124 8uisD Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
60 268 8uisC Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
120 397 8uisW Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
21 77 8uisF Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
57 209 8uisE Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
5 44 8uisL Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
30 338 8uisZ Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
41 260 8uisU Structure of transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf-tfiis
365 1375 7fjiA Human pol iii elongation complex
332 1373 7fjjA Human pol iii pre-termination complex
288 1115 7fjiB Human pol iii elongation complex
274 1110 7fjjB Human pol iii pre-termination complex
40 246 7fjiM Human pol iii elongation complex
71 343 7fjiC Human pol iii elongation complex
17 130 7fjjP Human pol iii pre-termination complex
10 99 7fjjQ Human pol iii pre-termination complex
9 107 7fjiI Human pol iii elongation complex
34 122 7fjiD Human pol iii elongation complex
58 209 7fjiE Human pol iii elongation complex
72 343 7fjjC Human pol iii pre-termination complex
4 46 7fjiL Human pol iii elongation complex
34 122 7fjjD Human pol iii pre-termination complex
17 200 7fjjG Human pol iii pre-termination complex
28 103 7fjjK Human pol iii pre-termination complex
34 248 7fjjM Human pol iii pre-termination complex
116 533 7fjiO Human pol iii elongation complex
17 130 7fjiP Human pol iii elongation complex
14 260 7fjiN Human pol iii elongation complex
28 148 7fjjH Human pol iii pre-termination complex
8 107 7fjjI Human pol iii pre-termination complex
28 103 7fjiK Human pol iii elongation complex
14 65 7fjiJ Human pol iii elongation complex
18 76 7fjjF Human pol iii pre-termination complex
18 76 7fjiF Human pol iii elongation complex
14 260 7fjjN Human pol iii pre-termination complex
17 200 7fjiG Human pol iii elongation complex
28 148 7fjiH Human pol iii elongation complex
10 99 7fjiQ Human pol iii elongation complex
58 209 7fjjE Human pol iii pre-termination complex
295 1358 6x2fJ Mfd-bound e.coli rna polymerase elongation complex - l2 state
293 1340 6x26I Mfd-bound e.coli rna polymerase elongation complex - l1 state
296 1340 6x4yI Mfd-bound e.coli rna polymerase elongation complex - iv state