Found 1575 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: RNA

Results sorted by Genus deposition date

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
38 1799 6lqpSA Cryo-em structure of 90s small subunit preribosomes in transition states (state a)
11 115 6yhs5 Acinetobacter baumannii ribosome-amikacin complex - 50s subunit
9 115 6ysi5 Acinetobacter baumannii ribosome-tigecycline complex - 50s subunit
9 590 6lqp5A Cryo-em structure of 90s small subunit preribosomes in transition states (state a)
8 116 6o8zB Cryo-em image reconstruction of the 70s ribosome enterococcus faecalis class04
1 333 6lqp3A Cryo-em structure of 90s small subunit preribosomes in transition states (state a)
2 590 6lqs5A Cryo-em structure of 90s small subunit preribosomes in transition states (state d)
1 333 6lqs3A Cryo-em structure of 90s small subunit preribosomes in transition states (state d)
2 75 6ybvw Structure of a human 48s translational initiation complex - eif2-tc
136 1758 6zvih Mbf1-ribosome complex
4 76 6zvid Mbf1-ribosome complex
5 77 6zvie Mbf1-ribosome complex
0 70 6m0xB Crystal structure of streptococcus thermophilus cas9 in complex with agga pam
255 3184 6tnuBQ Yeast 80s ribosome in complex with eif5a and decoding a-site and p-site trnas.
256 3223 6tb3BQ Yeast 80s ribosome in complex with the not5 subunit of the ccr4-not complex
248 3394 6sv4BQ The cryo-em structure of sdd1-stalled collided trisome.
290 2903 6lkqt The structural basis for inhibition of ribosomal translocation by viomycin
286 2903 6vwl2 70s ribosome bound to hiv frameshifting stem-loop (fss) and p/e trna (rotated conformation)
298 2901 6ordRA Crystal structure of trna^ ala(ggc) u32-a38 bound to cognate 70s a site
208 2842 6xyw1 Structure of the plant mitochondrial ribosome
259 2917 6wqn1 Structure of the 50s subunit of the ribosome from methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus in complex with the antibiotic, contezolid
204 2313 6z1pAb Structure of the mitochondrial ribosome from tetrahymena thermophila
139 1863 6yal2 Mammalian 48s late-stage initiation complex with beta-globin mrna
142 1798 6tb32 Yeast 80s ribosome in complex with the not5 subunit of the ccr4-not complex
143 1798 6tnu2 Yeast 80s ribosome in complex with eif5a and decoding a-site and p-site trnas.
133 1697 6w2ta Structure of the cricket paralysis virus 5-utr ires (crpv 5-utr-ires) bound to the small ribosomal subunit in the closed state (class 2)
125 1869 6zoj2 Sars-cov-2-nsp1-40s complex, composite map
119 1743 6xyw2 Structure of the plant mitochondrial ribosome
143 1485 6tmfA Structure of an archaeal abce1-bound ribosomal post-splitting complex
3 75 6yal1 Mammalian 48s late-stage initiation complex with beta-globin mrna
5 156 6y2lL8 Structure of human ribosome in post state
148 1532 6lkqs The structural basis for inhibition of ribosomal translocation by viomycin
6 76 6y2lB4 Structure of human ribosome in post state
136 1537 6vwl1 70s ribosome bound to hiv frameshifting stem-loop (fss) and p/e trna (rotated conformation)
6 118 6xyw3 Structure of the plant mitochondrial ribosome
142 1506 6ordQA Crystal structure of trna^ ala(ggc) u32-a38 bound to cognate 70s a site
0 14 6szvV Bat influenza a polymerase elongation complex with incoming utp analogue (core + endonuclease only)
0 99 6v5bD Human drosha and dgcr8 in complex with primary microrna (mp/rna complex) - active state
0 38 6tw1V Bat influenza a polymerase termination complex with pyrophosphate using 44-mer vrna template with mutated oligo(u) sequence
0 44 6szuV Bat influenza a polymerase pre-termination complex with pyrophosphate using 44-mer vrna template with mutated oligo(u) sequence
16 335 7c79A Cryo-em structure of yeast ribonuclease mrp
0 98 6lxdD Pri-mirna bound drosha-dgcr8 complex
0 44 6wpiB Crystal structure of nop9 in complex with its1 rna
0 34 6t2cV Bat influenza a polymerase recycling complex
93 1385 6z1pBb Structure of the mitochondrial ribosome from tetrahymena thermophila
0 14 6t0vV Bat influenza a polymerase elongation complex with incoming utp analogue (complete polymerase)
0 44 6t0sV Bat influenza a polymerase stuttering complex using 44-mer vrna template with intact oligo(u) sequence
65 960 6ydpAA 55s mammalian mitochondrial ribosome with mtefg1 and p site fmet-trnamet (post)
5 156 6y6xL8 Tetracenomycin x bound to the human ribosome
0 43 6vwl4 70s ribosome bound to hiv frameshifting stem-loop (fss) and p/e trna (rotated conformation)