Found 890 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: dna-directed rna polymerase subunit

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
21 79 8s52F Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 10 nt
16 64 8s52J Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 10 nt
44 237 8s52R Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 10 nt
15 82 8s55F Rna polymerase ii early elongation complex bound to tfiie and tfiif - state a (composite structure)
0 44 8s54L Rna polymerase ii early elongation complex bound to tfiie and tfiif - state b (composite structure)
49 187 8s54W Rna polymerase ii early elongation complex bound to tfiie and tfiif - state b (composite structure)
9 176 8s54Q Rna polymerase ii early elongation complex bound to tfiie and tfiif - state b (composite structure)
43 128 8s55D Rna polymerase ii early elongation complex bound to tfiie and tfiif - state a (composite structure)
35 171 8s51X Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 8 nt
39 128 8s52D Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 10 nt
50 270 8s55C Rna polymerase ii early elongation complex bound to tfiie and tfiif - state a (composite structure)
16 176 8s55Q Rna polymerase ii early elongation complex bound to tfiie and tfiif - state a (composite structure)
46 209 8s54E Rna polymerase ii early elongation complex bound to tfiie and tfiif - state b (composite structure)
35 237 8s51R Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 8 nt
62 270 8s52C Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 10 nt
8 114 8s52I Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 10 nt
24 99 8s52V Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 10 nt
23 152 8s55R Rna polymerase ii early elongation complex bound to tfiie and tfiif - state a (composite structure)
45 171 8s55X Rna polymerase ii early elongation complex bound to tfiie and tfiif - state a (composite structure)
2 44 8s51L Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 8 nt
35 128 8s51D Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 8 nt
341 1477 8w8eA Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
332 1477 8s5nA Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt
266 1160 8s5nB Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt
256 1159 8w8eB Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
25 148 8w8eH Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
17 79 8s5nF Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt
43 183 8w8eU Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
44 237 8s5nR Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt
24 82 8w8eF Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
211 550 8w8eV Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
31 115 8w8eK Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
7 117 8w8eI Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
37 128 8s5nD Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt
19 148 8s5nH Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt
124 549 8w8ea Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
13 37 8w8eX Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
26 116 8w8eY Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
34 171 8s5nX Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt
50 270 8s5nC Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt
22 99 8s5nV Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt
24 171 8w8eG Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
40 128 8w8eD Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
37 179 8s5nO Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt
47 187 8s5nW Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt
52 578 8w8eZ Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
15 368 8s5nU Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt
2 46 8w8eL Human co-transcriptional rna capping enzyme rngtt
49 209 8s5nE Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt
13 64 8s5nJ Rna polymerase ii core initially transcribing complex with an ordered rna of 12 nt