Found 125 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: transcription,transferase/dna-rna hybrid

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
15 65 2nvqJ Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with 2'dutp
15 65 2nvtJ Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with gmpcpp
303 1448 2yu9A Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with utp
238 1205 2yu9B Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with utp
25 114 2nvxK Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dutp
14 83 2nvzF Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with utp, updated 11/2006
20 85 2yu9F Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with utp
6 119 2yu9I Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with utp
16 145 2yu9H Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with utp
21 114 2nvzK Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with utp, updated 11/2006
24 114 2yu9K Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with utp
6 119 2nvzI Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with utp, updated 11/2006
38 266 2nvzC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with utp, updated 11/2006
1 46 2yu9L Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with utp
10 65 2yu9J Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with utp
28 213 2nvzE Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with utp, updated 11/2006
40 266 2yu9C Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with utp
17 88 2nvxF Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dutp
12 119 2nvxI Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dutp
41 214 2nvxE Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dutp
1 46 2nvxL Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dutp
2 46 2nvzL Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with utp, updated 11/2006
16 145 2nvzH Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with utp, updated 11/2006
46 266 2nvxC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dutp
16 65 2nvxJ Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dutp
42 214 2yu9E Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with utp
12 65 2nvzJ Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with utp, updated 11/2006
16 146 2nvxH Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dutp
44 213 2e2iE Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dgtp
6 119 2e2hI Rna polymerase ii elongation complex at 5 mm mg2+ with gtp
1 46 2e2jL Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with gmpcpp
13 83 2e2hF Rna polymerase ii elongation complex at 5 mm mg2+ with gtp
48 266 2e2iC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dgtp
16 86 2e2jF Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with gmpcpp
16 145 2e2jH Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with gmpcpp
26 114 2e2iK Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dgtp
44 267 2e2jC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with gmpcpp
1 46 2e2iL Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dgtp
15 65 2e2hJ Rna polymerase ii elongation complex at 5 mm mg2+ with gtp
46 214 2e2jE Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with gmpcpp
14 145 2e2hH Rna polymerase ii elongation complex at 5 mm mg2+ with gtp
2 46 2e2hL Rna polymerase ii elongation complex at 5 mm mg2+ with gtp
26 114 2e2jK Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with gmpcpp
22 114 2e2hK Rna polymerase ii elongation complex at 5 mm mg2+ with gtp
31 213 2e2hE Rna polymerase ii elongation complex at 5 mm mg2+ with gtp
17 86 2e2iF Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dgtp
14 65 2e2jJ Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with gmpcpp
17 146 2e2iH Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dgtp
12 65 2e2iJ Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dgtp
6 119 2e2jI Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with gmpcpp