Found 1540 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: transcription/dna

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
41 243 8sypM Genomic cx3cr1 nucleosome
54 200 8svaA Structure of the rhodococcus sp. usk13 darr-20 bp dna complex
25 82 8sypB Genomic cx3cr1 nucleosome
30 98 8sypA Genomic cx3cr1 nucleosome
30 94 8sypD Genomic cx3cr1 nucleosome
43 229 8i23A Clostridium thermocellum rna polymerase transcription open complex with sigi1 and its promoter
14 64 8i23E Clostridium thermocellum rna polymerase transcription open complex with sigi1 and its promoter
281 1161 8i23D Clostridium thermocellum rna polymerase transcription open complex with sigi1 and its promoter
63 230 8i23F Clostridium thermocellum rna polymerase transcription open complex with sigi1 and its promoter
56 213 8h3zA Crystal structure of the effector-binding domain of the lysr-type trasncription factor ntcb from anabaena pcc 7120
33 94 8evhD Cx3cr1 nucleosome and wild type pu.1 complex
43 243 8evhM Cx3cr1 nucleosome and wild type pu.1 complex
30 107 8eviC Cx3cr1 nucleosome and pu.1 complex containing disulfide bond mutations
28 108 8eviG Cx3cr1 nucleosome and pu.1 complex containing disulfide bond mutations
21 82 8evjB Cx3cr1 nucleosome bound pu.1 and c/ebpa
29 94 8evjD Cx3cr1 nucleosome bound pu.1 and c/ebpa
38 243 8evjM Cx3cr1 nucleosome bound pu.1 and c/ebpa
28 107 8evjC Cx3cr1 nucleosome bound pu.1 and c/ebpa
25 82 8eviB Cx3cr1 nucleosome and pu.1 complex containing disulfide bond mutations
19 89 8evhO Cx3cr1 nucleosome and wild type pu.1 complex
33 94 8eviD Cx3cr1 nucleosome and pu.1 complex containing disulfide bond mutations
30 107 8evhC Cx3cr1 nucleosome and wild type pu.1 complex
19 89 8eviO Cx3cr1 nucleosome and pu.1 complex containing disulfide bond mutations
43 243 8eviM Cx3cr1 nucleosome and pu.1 complex containing disulfide bond mutations
32 98 8eviA Cx3cr1 nucleosome and pu.1 complex containing disulfide bond mutations
18 89 8evjO Cx3cr1 nucleosome bound pu.1 and c/ebpa
19 58 8emlA Crystal structure of gsx2 homeodomain in complex with dna
30 98 8evgA 162bp cx3cr1 nucleosome (further classified with better nucleosome end)
28 107 8evgC 162bp cx3cr1 nucleosome (further classified with better nucleosome end)
38 243 8evgM 162bp cx3cr1 nucleosome (further classified with better nucleosome end)
30 94 8evgD 162bp cx3cr1 nucleosome (further classified with better nucleosome end)
29 98 8evjA Cx3cr1 nucleosome bound pu.1 and c/ebpa
32 98 8evhA Cx3cr1 nucleosome and wild type pu.1 complex
25 82 8evhB Cx3cr1 nucleosome and wild type pu.1 complex
24 82 8evgB 162bp cx3cr1 nucleosome (further classified with better nucleosome end)
262 1164 8i23C Clostridium thermocellum rna polymerase transcription open complex with sigi1 and its promoter
56 197 8sstA Znfs 1-7 of ccctc-binding factor (ctcf) k365t mutant complexed with 23mer
67 260 8ssrA Znfs 3-11 of ccctc-binding factor (ctcf) complexed with 35mer dna 35-20
60 197 8sssA Znfs 1-7 of ccctc-binding factor (ctcf) complexed with 23mer
61 233 8ssuA Znfs 3-11 of ccctc-binding factor (ctcf) complexed with 19mer dna
66 260 8ssqA Znfs 3-11 of ccctc-binding factor (ctcf) complexed with 35mer dna 35-4
24 91 8e3rF Human pu.1 ets-domain (165-270) bound to d(aataaaaggaagtggg)
27 93 8engF Human pu.1 ets-domain (165-270) bound to d(aataagcggaagtggg) with hemi-methylated cpg (forward strand)
26 90 8ek8E Human pu.1 ets-domain (165-270) bound to d(aataaaaggagaaggg)
25 91 8e3kF Human pu.1 ets-domain (165-270) bound to d(aataagcggaagtggg)
25 91 8ek3F Human pu.1 ets-domain (165-270) q226e mutant bound to d(aataagcggaatgggg)
28 91 8ekuF Human pu.1 ets-domain (165-270) bound to d(aataaatggaatgggg)
26 95 8eo4F Human pu.1 ets-domain (165-270) bound to d(aataagcggaagtggg) with di-methylated cpg sites
24 91 8eqlF Human pu.1 ets-domain (165-270) q226e mutant bound to d(aataaccggaagtggg)
26 91 8ej6F Human pu.1 ets-domain (165-270) bound to d(aataagaggaatgggg)