
Cryo-em structure of the plasmodium falciparum 80s ribosome bound to the anti-protozoan drug emetine, small subunit
Total Genus 12
Loading diagram...

The genus trace: a function that shows values of genus (vertical axis) for subchains spanned between the first residue, and all other residues (shown on horizontal axis). The number of the latter residue and the genus of a given subchain are shown interactively.

Total Genus
sequence length
structure length
Chain Sequence
Loading diagram...

The genus matrix. At position (x,y) a genus value for a subchain spanned between x’th and y’th residue is shown. Values of the genus are represented by color, according to the scale given on the right.

Structure visualization

After clicking on a point (x,y) in the genus matrix above, a subchain from x to y is shown in color.

Chord Diagram
{{ tooltip.sname }} connected with {{ tooltip.tname }} : {{qFormat(tooltip.svalue) }}
molecule tags Ribosome/inhibitor
molecule keywords 18S ribosomal RNA
publication title Cryo-EM structure of the Plasmodium falciparum 80S ribosome bound to the anti-protozoan drug emetine.
pubmed doi rcsb
total genus 12
structure length 95
sequence length 95
ec nomenclature
pdb deposition date 2014-06-03

pfam database annotations

chain Pfam Accession Code Pfam Family Identifier Pfam Description
3 PF01283 Ribosomal_S26e Ribosomal protein S26e
Image from the rcsb pdb (www.rcsb.org)
cath code
3.30.1740.20 Alpha Beta 2-Layer Sandwich first zn-finger domain of poly(adp-ribose) polymerase-1 first zn-finger domain of poly(adp-ribose) polymerase-1 3j7a300
3JAMa 5A2Qa 3J80a 3J81a 3J7A3 5FLXa 5LL6e 5IT9a
chains in the Genus database with same CATH superfamily
2N8AA 3JAMa 1V9XA 4OPXA 3J81a 3ODAA 4DQYA 4OQBA 3ODEA 2L31A 2DMJA 5FLXa 2CS2A 3OD8A 3J80a 3ODCA 2L30A 3J7A3 5IT9a 5A2Qa 4OQAA 1UW0A 5LL6e 4AV1A
chains in the Genus database with same CATH topology
3JAMa 5A2Qa 3J80a 3J81a 3J7A3 5FLXa 5LL6e 5IT9a
chains in the Genus database with same CATH homology

#chains in the Genus database with same CATH superfamily
 3JAM a;  5A2Q a;  3J80 a;  3J81 a;  3J7A 3;  5FLX a;  5LL6 e;  5IT9 a; 
#chains in the Genus database with same CATH topology
 2N8A A;  3JAM a;  1V9X A;  4OPX A;  3J81 a;  3ODA A;  4DQY A;  4OQB A;  3ODE A;  2L31 A;  2DMJ A;  5FLX a;  2CS2 A;  3OD8 A;  3J80 a;  3ODC A;  2L30 A;  3J7A 3;  5IT9 a;  5A2Q a;  4OQA A;  1UW0 A;  5LL6 e;  4AV1 A; 
#chains in the Genus database with same CATH homology
 3JAM a;  5A2Q a;  3J80 a;  3J81 a;  3J7A 3;  5FLX a;  5LL6 e;  5IT9 a; 
...loading similar chains, please wait...
similar chains in the Genus database (?% sequence similarity)
...loading similar chains, please wait...
similar chains in the pdb database (?% sequence similarity)

#similar chains in the Genus database (?% sequence similarity)
...loading similar chains, please wait...
#similar chains, but unknotted
...loading similar chains, please wait...
#similar chains in the pdb database (?% sequence similarity)
...loading similar chains, please wait...