Genus Database Statistics
Oldest protein chain in the pdb 1sbtA (1972-08-11 00:00:00)
Newest protein chain in the pdb 9f7fA (2024-05-03 00:00:00)
Oldest RNA chain in the pdb 255dA (1993-12-21 00:00:00)
Newest RNA chain in the pdb 6zvie (2020-07-24 00:00:00)
Protein chains deposited in our database Total protein chains1: 794368
Total computed unique protein chains2: 407508
Protein chains for which genus could not be computed3: 20564
Unique protein chains for which genus could not be computed4: 14964
RNA chains deposited in our database Total RNA chains5: 4921
Total computed unique RNA chains6: 1575
RNA chains for which genus could not be computed7: 15529
Unique RNA chains for which genus could not be computed8: 12225
List of all chains for which genus was computed Download _all.txt.gz
List of unique chains for which genus could not be computed Download nogenus.txt.gz

1 - Total number of protein chains includes all protein chains from protein and complex structures.

2 - For protein structures with multiple identical chains only the first one is computed. Identical chains are identified by the same Entity ID in the PDB Database.

3 - UCSF Chimera could not identify contacts for these chains, therefore there is no point in computing the genus. This number includes also identical chains identified by the same Entity ID in the PDB Database.

4 - UCSF Chimera could not identify contacts for these chains, therefore there is no point in computing the genus.

5 - Total number of RNA chains includes all RNA chains from RNA and complex structures. This number includes also similar chains (class members) identified by the BGSU RNA Site

6 - For RNA structures with multiple identical chains only the first one is computed. Identical chains are identified by the same Entity ID in the PDB Database. This number does not include similar chains identified by BGSU RNA Site

7 - Base pairs could not be identified based on the data provided by the BGSU RNA Site, therefore there is no point in computing the genus for these chains. This number includes also similar chains (class members) identified by the BGSU RNA Site

8 - Base pairs could not be identified based on the data provided by the BGSU RNA Site, therefore there is no point in computing the genus for these chains.