For more details on input and output information see:

Plain Comma Separated Value (CSV) file with bonds in 2 columns separated using any of the allowed delimiters: TAB SPACE ; : | , File must have the "csv" extension.

Example of CSV file format

339	342
342	339
342	337
342	337
344	360
344	359
345	360
345	354
345	359
347	362
349	425
350	424
351	348

File format generated by the H-bonds function of the UCSF Chimera package. Allowed file extensions: chim, chimera

Example of chimera file format

Finding intermodel H-bonds
Finding intramodel H-bonds
Constraints relaxed by 0.4 angstroms and 20 degrees
Models used:
	#0 my_struct.pdb

H-bonds (donor, acceptor, hydrogen, D..A dist, D-H..A dist):
ALA 8.A N        THR 11.A O       no hydrogen  2.876  N/A
ASN 9.A N        PHE 177.A O      no hydrogen  3.277  N/A
THR 10.A N       GLU 110.A OE1    no hydrogen  2.846  N/A
THR 10.A N       GLU 110.A OE2    no hydrogen  3.138  N/A
THR 10.A OG1     THR 104.A OG1    no hydrogen  2.836  N/A
THR 10.A OG1     GLU 110.A OE1    no hydrogen  3.105  N/A
THR 10.A OG1     GLU 110.A OE2    no hydrogen  2.881  N/A
THR 11.A OG1     GLU 110.A OE1    no hydrogen  2.574  N/A
TYR 12.A N       PHE 69.A O       no hydrogen  3.055  N/A
LEU 13.A N       LEU 6.A O        no hydrogen  2.986  N/A