Genus API

You can find examples on how to use the Genus API in the Tutorial Application:


Genus Search API

The results page of any search run on Genus has a "raw" button which can be used to open a CSV formatted list of results

Example - display CSV formatted list of RNA chains with Genus values between 10 and 20;20

The query can be specified using the following GET parameters

raw {1, 0} if "1" returns results as a "raw" text file instead of a webpage
set {True, False} if True returns full list of results, if False or empty only for Non-Redundant chains
is_rna {True, False} if True returns results for RNA, if False or empty for Proteins
by_genus {True, False}if True returns results with Total genus given in the value parameter, otherwise returns results with the Chain length specified by the value parameter
value x;y mininum (including) and maximum (excluding) values - used in conjunction with the by_genus parameter
molkey String return results for the given Molecule Keyword
moltag String return results for the given Molecule Tags
pfam String return results for the given PFAM descriptor
ec String return results for the given EC code
cath String return results for the given CATH topology
catha String return results for the given CATH architecture
cathc String return results for the given CATH class
tag String return results for the given Tag keyword

Genus API functions

/nogenus.txt.gz Return a gzipped list of all chains for which Genus could NOT be computed. Format:


type = {P,R} - Protein/RNA
/_all_genus Return a list of all Protein and RNA chains with total genus. Format:


type = {P,R} - Protein/RNA
/_all_genus.txt.gz Return a gzipped list of all Protein and RNA chains with total genus. Format:


type = {P,R} - Protein/RNA
/_all.txt.gz Return a gzipped list of all chains for which Genus was computed (includes entries with identical chains), Format:
