Found 551 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Green Fluorescent Protein

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
62 226 5j2oA Crystal structure of the cyan fluorescence protein cerulean s175g mutant
62 222 3u0nA Crystal structure of the engineered fluorescent protein mruby, crystal form 2
58 217 3u0mA Crystal structure of the engineered fluorescent protein mruby, crystal form 1, ph 8.5
124 404 3u0kA Crystal structure of the genetically encoded calcium indicator rcamp
62 217 3u0lA Crystal structure of the engineered fluorescent protein mruby, crystal form 1, ph 4.5
65 223 3svrA Crystal structure of mkate mutant s158a/s143c at ph 7.5
60 224 3svoA Crystal structure of mkate mutant s158a/s143c at ph 10.0
62 225 3svuA Crystal structure of mkate mutant s143c
68 233 3svnA Crystal structure of mkate s158a mutant at ph 7.5
61 217 2whsA Fluorescent protein mkeima at ph 3.8
62 216 2whuA Fluorescent protein mkeima at ph 8.0
50 226 2wisA Fluorescent protein killerred in the bleached state
55 226 2wiqA Fluorescent protein killerred in the native state
57 221 2vvhA Irisfp fluorescent protein in its green form, cis conformation
58 221 2vzxA Structural and spectroscopic characterization of photoconverting fluorescent protein dendra2
59 218 2vadA Monomeric red fluorescent protein, dsred.m1
58 218 2vviA Irisfp fluorescent protein in its green form, trans conformation
61 216 2whtA Fluorescent protein mkeima at ph 5.6
63 217 2vaeA Fast maturing red fluorescent protein, dsred.t4
58 219 2vvjA Irisfp fluorescent protein in its red form, cis conformation
57 214 2c9jA Structure of the fluorescent protein cmfp512 at 1.35a from cerianthus membranaceus
52 226 2c9iA Structure of the fluorescent protein asfp499 from anemonia sulcata
67 217 5lk4A Structure of the red fluorescent protein mscarlet at ph 7.8
61 217 5ltrA Structure of the yellow-green fluorescent protein mneongreen from branchiostoma lanceolatum at the near physiological ph 8.0
55 218 5ltqA Structure of the yellow fluorescent protein lanyfp from branchiostoma lanceolatum at ph 7.5
58 219 5ltpA Structure of the yellow-green fluorescent protein mneongreen from branchiostoma lanceolatum at the acidic ph 4.5
82 309 5ktgA Crystal structure of mouse bak bh3-in-groove homodimer (gfp)
72 245 5hw9A Filamentous assembly of green fluorescent protein supported by a c-terminal fusion of 18-residues, viewed in space group p21
59 215 5hzsA Crystal structure of dronpa-co2+
52 214 5hztA Crystal structure of dronpa-cu2+
60 213 5hzuA Crystal structure of dronpa-ni2+
62 214 5h88A Crystal structure of mrojoa mutant - t16v -p63f - w143a - l163v
60 239 4zf3A Crystal structure of green fluorescent protein (gfp); s65t, h148d; circular permutant ( 50-51)
61 231 5bt0A Switching gfp fluorescence using genetically encoded phenyl azide chemistry through two different non-native post-translational modifications routes at the same position.
60 226 5bqlA Fluorescent protein cyofp
61 228 5bttB Switching gfp fluorescence using genetically encoded phenyl azide chemistry through two different non-native post-translational modifications routes at the same position.
61 228 5bttA Switching gfp fluorescence using genetically encoded phenyl azide chemistry through two different non-native post-translational modifications routes at the same position.
58 234 4zfsA Phototoxic fluorescent protein killerorange
64 241 4zf4A Crystal structure of green fluorescent protein (gfp); s65t, y66(cl1y), h148d; circular permutant (50-51)
63 240 4zf5A Crystal structure of green fluorescent protein (gfp); s65t, y66(cl2y), h148d; circular permutant ( 50-51)
61 217 4zinA Genetically encoded phenyl azide photochemistry drive positive and negative functional modulation of a red fluorescent protein
58 217 4zioA Irradiated state of mcherry143azf
55 213 4dxoA Crystal structure of a reconstructed kaede-type red fluorescent protein, lea x(6)
66 219 4edsA Crystal structure of far-red fluorescent protein eqfp670
67 236 4en1A The 1.62a structure of a fret-optimized cerulean fluorescent protein
63 215 4emqA Crystal structure of a single mutant of dronpa, the green-on-state pdm1-4
60 215 4dxqA Crystal structure of a reconstructed kaede-type red fluorescent protein, lea q38a
66 227 4eulA Crystal structure of enhanced green fluorescent protein to 1.35a resolution reveals alternative conformations for glu222
59 214 4dxnA Crystal structure of a reconstructed kaede-type red fluorescent protein, least evolved ancestor (lea)
58 216 4dxpA Crystal structure of a reconstructed kaede-type red fluorescent protein, lea x121