Found 555 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Gyrase A; domain 2

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
15 78 1ibaA Glucose permease (domain iib), nmr, 11 structures
52 184 1ge9A Solution structure of the ribosome recycling factor
28 114 4y52K Crystal structure of 5-carboxycytosine recognition by rna polymerase ii during transcription elongation.
329 1454 2ja7A Cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex c
326 1454 2b63A Complete rna polymerase ii-rna inhibitor complex
326 1454 2ja5A Cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex a
341 1454 2ja6A Cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex b
44 265 5c4xC Crystal structure of a transcribing rna polymerase ii complex reveals a complete transcription bubble
28 117 5iydK Human core-pic in the initial transcribing state (no iis)
322 1447 2e2iA Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dgtp
26 114 4x6aK Crystal structure of yeast rna polymerase ii encountering oxidative cyclopurine dna lesions
128 589 4wj3M Crystal structure of the asparagine transamidosome from pseudomonas aeruginosa
48 266 4x6aC Crystal structure of yeast rna polymerase ii encountering oxidative cyclopurine dna lesions
323 1454 1y1wA Complete rna polymerase ii elongation complex
154 585 4wj4A Crystal structure of non-discriminating aspartyl-trna synthetase from pseudomonas aeruginosa complexed with trna(asn) and aspartic acid
328 1454 2vumA Alpha-amanitin inhibited complete rna polymerase ii elongation complex
327 1454 2r92A Elongation complex of rna polymerase ii with artificial rdrp scaffold
299 1443 2nvxA Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dutp
268 1444 2e2hA Rna polymerase ii elongation complex at 5 mm mg2+ with gtp
338 1454 2r7zA Cisplatin lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex
327 1454 2r93A Elongation complex of rna polymerase ii with a hepatitis delta virus-derived rna stem loop
29 114 1i6hK Rna polymerase ii elongation complex
26 112 2r93K Elongation complex of rna polymerase ii with a hepatitis delta virus-derived rna stem loop
166 585 1c0aA Crystal structure of the e. coli aspartyl-trna synthetase : trnaasp : aspartyl-adenylate complex
42 229 2o5jA Crystal structure of the t. thermophilus rnap polymerase elongation complex with the ntp substrate analog
51 266 1i6hC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex
44 267 2r93C Elongation complex of rna polymerase ii with a hepatitis delta virus-derived rna stem loop
41 226 4q5sA Thermus thermophilus rna polymerase initially transcribing complex containing 6-mer rna
31 114 4by7K Elongating rna polymerase ii-bye1 tld complex
53 266 4a3gC Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 2nt dna-rna hybrid
29 114 4bbsK Structure of an initially transcribing rna polymerase ii-tfiib complex
31 114 4a3gK Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 2nt dna-rna hybrid
51 226 4g7oA Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus transcription initiation complex containing 2 nt of rna
324 1454 3gtmA Co-complex of backtracked rna polymerase ii with tfiis
61 266 4a3dC Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 6nt dna-rna hybrid
33 114 4a3dK Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 6nt dna-rna hybrid
39 223 4gzyA Crystal structures of bacterial rna polymerase paused elongation complexes
62 266 4a3cC Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 5nt dna-rna hybrid
61 266 4a3lC Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 7nt dna-rna hybrid and soaked with ampcpp
59 266 4bbsC Structure of an initially transcribing rna polymerase ii-tfiib complex
30 114 4bxxK Arrested rna polymerase ii-bye1 complex
310 1443 3gtoA Backtracked rna polymerase ii complex with 15mer rna
60 266 3s2dC Rna polymerase ii initiation complex with a 5-nt rna containing a 5br-u
60 266 3s1mC Rna polymerase ii initiation complex with a 5-nt rna (variant 1)
31 114 4a3lK Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 7nt dna-rna hybrid and soaked with ampcpp
312 1449 3gtgA Backtracked rna polymerase ii complex with 12mer rna
56 266 4bxxC Arrested rna polymerase ii-bye1 complex
28 114 3s2dK Rna polymerase ii initiation complex with a 5-nt rna containing a 5br-u
41 270 3i4nC 8-oxoguanine containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex e
64 266 4a93C Rna polymerase ii elongation complex containing a cpd lesion