Found 486 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Pdz3 Domain

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
8 130 1i16A Structure of interleukin 16: implications for function, nmr, 20 structures
15 94 1gm1A Second pdz domain (pdz2) of ptp-bl
13 96 1d5gA Solution structure of the pdz2 domain from human phosphatase hptp1e complexed with a peptide
12 91 1iu2A The first pdz domain of psd-95
8 127 1b8qA Solution structure of the extended neuronal nitric oxide synthase pdz domain complexed with an associated peptide
20 96 3qglA Crystal structure of pdz domain of sorting nexin 27 (snx27) in complex with the eseskv peptide corresponding to the c-terminal tail of girk3
120 466 5ilbA Crystal structure of protease domain of deg2 linked with the pdz domain of deg9
118 465 5il9A Crystal structure of deg9
19 96 5i7zA Crystal structure of a par-6 pdz-crumbs 3 c-terminal peptide complex
29 119 5hfdA The third pdz domain from the synaptic protein psd-95 (g330t, h372a double mutant)
54 190 5f3xA Crystal structure of harmonin npdz1 in complex with anks4b sam-pbm
64 335 5b6lA Structure of deg protease hhoa from synechocystis sp. pcc 6803
32 101 5b42A Crystal structure of the c-terminal endonuclease domain of aquifex aeolicus mutl.
38 162 5a2pA The complex structure of pdz domains in syntenin-1 with 4l peptide
21 96 4z8jA Crystal structure of the snx27 pdz domain bound to the c-terminal pthr pdz binding motif
42 166 4z33A Crystal structure of the syntenin pdz1 and pdz2 tandem in complex with the frizzled 7 c-terminal fragment and pip2
26 104 4yyxA Crystal structure of the zo-1 pdz1 domain in complex with the 7-mer claudin2 c-terminal tail
33 109 4f8kA Molecular analysis of the interaction between the prostacyclin receptor and the first pdz domain of pdzk1
23 87 4e35A Crystal structure of cftr associated ligand (cal) pdz domain bound to ical36-l (ansrwptsil) peptide
48 205 4edjA Crystal structure of the grasp55 grasp domain with a phosphomimetic mutation (s189d)
25 102 4e3bA Crystal structure of tax-interacting protein-1 (tip-1) pdz domain bound to ical36-l (ansrwptsil) peptide
23 87 4e34A Crystal structure of cftr associated ligand (cal) pdz domain bound to ical36 (ansrwptsii) peptide
19 94 4amhA Influence of circular permutation on the folding pathway of a pdz domain
39 197 3zrtA Crystal structure of human psd-95 pdz1-2
40 180 3wklA The periplasmic pdz tandem fragment of the rsep homologue from aquifex aeolicus
45 176 3wkmA The periplasmic pdz tandem fragment of the rsep homologue from aquifex aeolicus in complex with the fab fragment
21 85 3vqfA Crystal structure analysis of the pdz domain derived from the tight junction regulating protein
22 85 3vqgA Crystal structure analysis of the pdz domain derived from the tight junction regulating protein
79 388 3tswA Crystal structure of the pdz3-sh3-guk core module of human zo-1
88 382 3tszA Crystal structure of pdz3-sh3-guk core module from human zo-1 in complex with 12mer peptide from human jam-a cytoplasmic tail
21 93 3tsvA Crystal structure of the third pdz domain of the human zo-1 maguk protein
15 82 3tmhA Crystal structure of dual-specific a-kinase anchoring protein 2 in complex with camp-dependent protein kinase a type ii alpha and pdzk1
69 388 3suzA Crystal structure of rat mint2 ppc
74 324 3stjA Crystal structure of the protease + pdz1 domain of degq from escherichia coli
19 94 3shuA Crystal structure of zo-1 pdz3
24 113 3soeA Crystal structure of the 3rd pdz domain of the human membrane-associated guanylate kinase, ww and pdz domain-containing protein 3 (magi3)
102 382 3shwA Crystal structure of zo-1 pdz3-sh3-guk supramodule complex with connexin-45 peptide
27 103 3sfjA Crystal structure of tax-interacting protein-1 (tip-1) pdz domain bound to ical36 inhibitor peptide
18 90 3rl7A Crystal structure of hdlg1-pdz1 complexed with apc
21 94 3rl8A Crystal structure of hdlg1-pdz2 complexed with apc
50 202 3rleA Crystal structure of grasp55 grasp domain (residues 7-208)
16 96 2w7rA Structure of the pdz domain of human microtubule associated serine- threonine kinase 4
23 122 5jxbA Psd-95 extended pdz3 in complex with syngap pbm
26 118 5hedA The third pdz domain from the synaptic protein psd-95 in complex with a mutant c-terminal peptide derived from cript (t-2f)
30 118 5hetA The third pdz domain from the synaptic protein psd-95 (g330t mutant)
25 119 5hebA The third pdz domain from the synaptic protein psd-95 in complex with a c-terminal peptide derived from cript
29 118 5hf4A The third pdz domain from the synaptic protein psd-95 (h372a mutant)
24 117 5hffA The third pdz domain from the synaptic protein psd-95 (g330t, h372a double mutant) in complex with a mutant c-terminal peptide derived from cript (t-2f)
26 117 5hfbA The third pdz domain from the synaptic protein psd-95 (h372a mutant) in complex with a c-terminal peptide derived from cript
27 119 5hfeA The third pdz domain from the synaptic protein psd-95 (g330t, h372a double mutant) in complex with a c-terminal peptide derived from cript