Found 150 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query ec:

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
139 498 8sgvA Human liver mitochondrial catalase
130 498 7vd9A 2.29 a structure of the human catalase
153 502 8pvdA Structure of catalase determined by cryoem at 100 kev
150 498 8hidA Human erythrocyte catalse complexed with bt-br
144 497 8el9A Cryo-em structure of human catalase
230 678 7wcaA Catpo mutant - e484a
226 678 7vn0A Catpo mutant - t188a
157 502 7p8wA Human erythrocyte catalase cryoem
133 499 7di8A Electron crystallographic structure of catalase using a direct electron detector at 300 kv
241 726 6ztvA Crystal structure of catalase hpii from escherichia coli (serendipitously crystallized)
247 726 6ztwA Crystal structure of catalase hpii from escherichia coli (serendipitously crystallized)
251 727 6ztxA Crystal structure of catalase hpii from escherichia coli (serendipitously crystallized)
156 499 6po0A The structure of the orthorhombic (p212121) crystal form of beef liver catalase at 1.85 a resolution
152 498 6pm7A The structure of the triclinic crystal form of beef liver catalase at 1.85 a resolution
224 682 6nszA X-ray reduced catalase 3 from n.crassa (0.526 mgy)
224 682 6nt1A Catalase 3 from n.crassa in ferrous state (2.89 mgy)
219 682 6nt0A Catalase 3 from n.crassa in ferrous state, x-ray reduced (1.315 mgy)
224 682 6nsyA X-ray reduced catalase 3 from n.crassa in cpd i state (0.263 mgy)
222 682 6nswA X-ray reduced catalase 3 from n.crassa in cpd i state (0.135 mgy)
145 499 6jnuA Catalase structure determined by eefd (dataset 2)
140 499 6jntA Catalase structure determined by eefd (dataset 1)
232 678 5yemA Catpo mutant - t188f
229 678 5xvzA Catpo mutant - h246w
138 498 8catA The nadph binding site on beef liver catalase
137 498 7catA The nadph binding site on beef liver catalase
245 726 6by0A Crystal structure of catalase hpii from e. coli in space group p1
222 678 5y17A Catpo mutant - e316f
235 678 5xznA Catpo mutant - v228c
233 677 5xzmA Catpo mutant - v228i
230 747 5bv2P Crystal structure of e. coli hpii catalase variant
246 726 4entA Structure of the s234a variant of e. coli kate
256 726 4enpA Structure of e530a variant e. coli kate
247 725 4enqA Structure of e530d variant e. coli kate
244 726 4enwA Structure of the s234n variant of e. coli kate
246 726 4enrA Structure of e530i variant e. coli kate
248 726 4ensA Structure of e530q variant of e. coli kate
247 726 4enuA Structure of the s234d variant of e. coli kate
250 726 4envA Structure of the s234i variant of e. coli kate
149 479 4e37A Crystal structure of p. aeruginosa catalase, kata tetramer
49 659 4catA Three-dimensional structure of catalase from penicillium vitale at 2.0 angstroms resolution
234 678 4b5kA Probing the active center of catalase-phenol oxidase from scytalidium thermophilum
233 678 4b2yA Probing the active center of catalase-phenol oxidase from scytalidium thermophilum
194 681 4bimA Catalase 3 from neurospora crassa in tetragonal form exposes a modified tetrameric organization
147 507 4cabA The refined structure of catalase dr1998 from deinococcus radiodurans at 2.6 a resolution
152 499 4blcA The structure of orthorhombic crystals of beef liver catalase
230 677 4b7aA Probing the active center of catalase-phenol oxidase from scytalidium thermophilum
255 744 4bflA Structure of natively expressed catalase hpii
166 515 4b7hA Structure of a highdose liganded bacterial catalase
168 515 4b7fA Structure of a liganded bacterial catalase
232 678 4aulA Crystal structure, recombinant expression and mutagenesis studies of the bifunctional catalase-phenol oxidase from scytalidium thermophilum