Found 744 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

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Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
134 443 8ynjA Crystal structure of langat virus helicase
90 300 9emjA Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)
90 299 8s8wA Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
26 116 9emlB Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with sam and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
88 300 9emvA Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
95 318 8vecA Deep mutational scanning of sars-cov-2 plpro
24 116 9emjB Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)
25 114 8s8xB Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
93 301 8s8xA Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
25 114 8s8wB Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
93 300 9emlA Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with sam and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
24 115 9emvB Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
83 300 8intA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) k90r mutant
85 300 8inqA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) g15s mutant
85 306 8inwA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) k90r mutant in complex with inhibitor nirmatrelvir
86 306 8inuA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) g15s mutant in complex with inhibitor nirmatrelvir
83 301 8inyA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) k90r mutant in complex with inhibitor ensitrelvir
84 301 8inxA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) g15s mutant in complex with inhibitor ensitrelvir
27 161 8y9vD Zikv ns2b/ns3 protease
248 928 8gwmA Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
245 931 8gwkA Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
25 153 8y9vB Zikv ns2b/ns3 protease
100 592 8gwkE Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
94 592 8gwmE Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
14 113 8gwmG Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
46 187 8gwmB Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
18 113 8gwkG Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
43 187 8gwkB Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
95 296 8rzdA Sars-cov-2 nsp16-nsp10 in complex with sam derivative inhibitor 9
99 296 8rzcA Sars-cov-2 nsp16-nsp10 in complex with sam derivative inhibitor 11
98 296 8rzeA Sars-cov-2 nsp16-nsp10 in complex with sam derivative inhibitor 10
93 305 8cdcA Native 3clpro from sars-cov-2 at 1.54 a
88 305 8tpbA Synthesis, x-ray crystallographic and biological activities of covalent, non-peptidic inhibitors of sars-cov-2 main protease
87 305 8tphA Synthesis, x-ray crystallographic and biological activities of covalent, non-peptidic inhibitors of sars-cov-2 main protease
87 305 8tpeA Synthesis, x-ray crystallographic and biological activities of covalent, non-peptidic inhibitors of sars-cov-2 main protease
28 114 8tyjB Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 nsp10/nsp16 complex with bound sah
82 305 8tpiA Synthesis, x-ray crystallographic and biological activities of covalent, non-peptidic inhibitors of sars-cov-2 main protease
95 296 8tyjA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 nsp10/nsp16 complex with bound sah
89 305 8tpdA Synthesis, x-ray crystallographic and biological activities of covalent, non-peptidic inhibitors of sars-cov-2 main protease
83 305 8tpgA Synthesis, x-ray crystallographic and biological activities of covalent, non-peptidic inhibitors of sars-cov-2 main protease
84 305 8tpfA Synthesis, x-ray crystallographic and biological activities of covalent, non-peptidic inhibitors of sars-cov-2 main protease
87 305 8tpcA Synthesis, x-ray crystallographic and biological activities of covalent, non-peptidic inhibitors of sars-cov-2 main protease
93 289 8c0gA Sars-cov nsp16-nsp10 complexed with n7-gtp
37 124 8bznA Sars-cov-2 non-structural protein 10 (nsp10) variant t102i
30 120 8c0gB Sars-cov nsp16-nsp10 complexed with n7-gtp
150 435 8v7uA Pandda analysis -- crystal structure of zika virus ns3 helicase in complex with z729726784
149 435 8v7rA Pandda analysis -- crystal structure of zika virus ns3 helicase in complex with z56772132
25 95 8xabA Crystal structure of ubl1 domain of nonstructural protein 3 of sars-cov-2
83 306 8uh9A Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease e166v mutant in complex with an inhibitor tkb-272
84 301 7c7pA Crystal structure of the sars-cov-2 main protease in complex with telaprevir