Found 151 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query ec:

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
80 284 5tjoA Crystal structure of gtb + b trisaccharide (mercury derivative)
102 293 5m79A Blood group synthase aaglyb in complex with ump and cryoprotected with glycerol
106 293 5m7bA Blood group synthase aaglyb in complex with udp and cryoprotected with glycerol
105 296 5m7dA Blood group synthase aaglyb in complex with udp-gal and cryoprotected with glycerol
99 284 5m7aA Blood group synthase aaglyb in complex with ump and cryoprotected with peg 3350
100 293 5m7cA Blood group synthase aaglyb in complex with udp and cryoprotected with peg 3350
89 284 6bjmA Human abo(h) blood group glycosyltransferase gtb r188k mutant
85 282 6bjjA Human abo(h) blood group glycosyltransferase gtb d302a mutant
82 283 6bjkA Human abo(h) blood group glycosyltransferase gtb d302c mutant
87 283 6bjiA Human abo(h) blood group glycosyltransferase gta d302c mutant
88 282 6bjlA Human abo(h) blood group glycosyltransferase gtb d302l mutant
81 284 5cmjA Gta mutant with mercury - e303q
89 285 5c3bA Crystal structure of abba + udp-c-gal (long soak) + di
93 288 5c36A Crystal structure of gta + udp-c-gal + di
90 289 5c4fA Crystal structure of aabb + udp-glc + di
99 297 5bxcA Crystal structure of gta + udp + di
92 288 5c4bA Crystal structure of gta + udp-glc + di
89 285 5c4dA Crystal structure of gtb + udp-glc + di
88 284 5c3dA Crystal structure of abbb + udp-c-gal (short soak) + di
88 287 5c48A Crystal structure of gtb + udp-c-gal + di
91 285 5c1lA Crystal structure of gtb + udp-gal + di
85 287 5c8rA Crystal structure of abba + udp-glc + di
88 289 5c4cA Crystal structure of abbb + udp-glc + di
86 287 5c38A Crystal structure of aabb + udp-c-gal + di
94 292 5c4eA Crystal structure of gtb + udp-glc + h-antigen acceptor
89 285 5c49A Crystal structure of gtb + udp-c-gal + h-antigen
69 236 4cjbA Orthorhombic crystal form of bogt6a e192q in complex with galnac
62 238 4cj8A Monoclinic crystal form of bogt6a e192q in complex with udp-galnac, udp and galnac
91 291 4c2sA Crystal structure of the fucosylgalactoside alpha n- acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (gta p156l mutant) in complex with udp and deoxy-h-antigen acceptor
59 241 4cjcA Orthorhombic crystal form of bogt6a e192q in complex with udp-galnac, udp, galnac
72 234 4aylA Molecular structure of a metal-independent bacterial glycosyltransferase that catalyzes the synthesis of histo-blood group a antigen
74 231 4ayjA Molecular structure of a metal-independent bacterial glycosyltransferase that catalyzes the synthesis of histo-blood group a antigen
85 284 3zggA Crystal structure of the fucosylgalactoside alpha n- acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (gta, cisab mutant l266g, g268a) in complex with npe caged udp-gal (c222(1) space group)
99 291 3zgfA Crystal structure of the fucosylgalactoside alpha n- acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (gta, cisab mutant l266g, g268a) in complex with in complex with npe caged udp-gal (p2(1)2(1)2(1) space group)
96 290 3v0oA Crystal structure of the fucosylgalactoside alpha n-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (gta, cisab mutant l266g, g268a) in complex with a novel udp-galnac derived inhibitor (4gw) and h-antigen acceptor
97 289 3v0mA Crystal structure of the fucosylgalactoside alpha n-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (gta, cisab mutant l266g, g268a) in complex with a novel udp-gal derived inhibitor (5gw) and h-antigen acceptor
93 281 3v0lA Crystal structure of the fucosylgalactoside alpha n-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (gta, cisab mutant l266g, g268a) in complex with a novel udp-gal derived inhibitor (2gw)
95 288 3v0nA Crystal structure of the fucosylgalactoside alpha n-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (gta, cisab mutant l266g, g268a) in complex with a novel udp-galnac derived inhibitor (3gw and 4gw)
100 297 3v0qA Crystal structure of the fucosylgalactoside alpha n-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (gta, cisab mutant l266g, g268a) in complex with udp and h-antigen acceptor
99 296 3v0pA Crystal structure of the fucosylgalactoside alpha n-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (gta, cisab mutant l266g, g268a) in complex with a novel udp-gal derived inhibitor (4gw) and h-antigen acceptor
98 288 3u0yA Crystal structure of the fucosylgalactoside alpha n-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (gta, cisab mutant l266g, g268a) in complex with compound 382 and udp
96 295 3u0xA Crystal structure of the b-specific-1,3-galactosyltransferase (gtb) in complex with compound 382
87 285 3sxbA Crystal structure of abbb+udp+gal with mpd as the cryoprotectant
92 287 3sx7A Crystal structure of abba+udp+gal with glycerol as the cryoprotectant
99 293 3sxeA Crystal structure of aaaa+udp+gal with glycerol as the cryoprotectant
95 293 3sxaA Crystal structure of abbb+udp+gal with glycerol as the cryoprotectant
90 288 3sx5A Crystal structure of aabb+udp+gal with mpd as the cryoprotectant
95 293 3sx3A Crystal structure of aabb+udp+gal with glycerol as the cryoprotectant
85 286 3sxcA Crystal structure of bbbb+udp+gal with glycerol as the cryoprotectant
88 284 3sx8A Crystal structure of abba+udp+gal with mpd as the cryoprotectant