Found 334 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

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Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
100 339 8sf8A Structure of bovine pka bound to (r)-n-(4-(1h-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridin-4-yl)phenyl)-2-amino-4-methylpentanamide
94 335 8x5lA The crystal structure of prkaca from biortus.
108 353 7axwA Crystal structure of the camp-dependent protein kinase a cocrystallized with 1-aminoisoquinoline and pki (5-24)
107 353 7axtA Crystal structure of the camp-dependent protein kinase a cocrystallized with isoquinoline-5-carboxylic acid and pki (5-24)
101 353 7axvA Crystal structure of the camp-dependent protein kinase a cocrystallized with 5-isoquinolinesulfonic acid and pki (5-24)
106 353 7bb0A Crystal structure of the camp-dependent protein kinase a cocrystallized with nat22-366511 and pki (5-24)
109 338 7barA Crystal structure of the camp-dependent protein kinase a with a chiral ligand (s- and e-configuration, soaked)
111 340 7baqA Crystal structure of the camp-dependent protein kinase a cocrystallized with a chiral ligand (s- and e-configuration) and pki (5-24)
85 338 7e11A Crystal structure of pkac-pln r9c complex
112 338 7e0zA Crystal structure of pkac-pln complex
90 333 7e12A Crystal structure of pkac-a11e complex
130 403 8fe2A Structure of j-pkac chimera complexed with aplithianine a
120 404 8fecB Structure of j-pkac chimera complexed with aplithianine derivative
116 404 8fecA Structure of j-pkac chimera complexed with aplithianine derivative
135 404 8fe5A Structure of j-pkac chimera complexed with aplithianine b
112 335 7v0gE Structure of camp-dependent protein kinase using a md-mx procedure, produced using 1.63 angstrom data
108 336 7ujxE Structure of camp-dependent protein kinase using a md-mx procedure, produced using 2.4 angstrom data
102 336 7y1gA Crystal structure of human prkaca complexed with ds01080522
107 353 7pifA Protein kinase a catalytic subunit in complex with pki5-24 and en086
112 353 7pieA Protein kinase a catalytic subunit in complex with pki5-24 and en068
112 353 7pihA Protein kinase a catalytic subunit in complex with pki5-24 and en093
114 353 7pidA Protein kinase a catalytic subunit in complex with pki5-24 and en060
113 353 7pigA Protein kinase a catalytic subunit in complex with pki5-24 and en088
107 342 7pnsA Protein kinase a catalytic subunit in complex with pki5-24 and en081
112 341 6y89A Crystal structure of the camp-dependent protein kinase a cocrystallized with methyl 5-isoquinolinecarboxylate and pki (5-24)
111 353 6y2uA Crystal structure of the camp-dependent protein kinase a cocrystallized with aminofasudil and pki (5-24)
109 353 6y0bA Crystal structure of the camp-dependent protein kinase a cocrystallized with quinazolin-4-amine and pki (5-24)
111 344 6y05A Crystal structure of the camp-dependent protein kinase a cocrystallized with adenine and pki (5-24)
109 338 6z08A Crystal structure of camp-dependent protein kinase a (cho pka) in complex with 4-nitrophenol
110 338 6zn0A Crystal structure of camp-dependent protein kinase a (cho pka) in complex with isonicotinamidine
71 405 6wjfA Pka riibeta holoenzyme with dnajb1-pkac fusion in fibrolamellar hepatoceullar carcinoma
48 310 6wjgA Pka riibeta holoenzyme with dnajb1-pkac fusion in fibrolamellar hepatoceullar carcinoma
112 338 6z44A Crystal structure of the camp-dependent protein kinase a in complex with phenol
108 338 6ypsA Crystal structure of the camp-dependent protein kinase a in complex with 4-hydroxybenzamidine
110 340 6esaA Crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus griseus in complex with compounds rkp120 and amp
113 353 6ervA Crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus griseus in complex with compounds rkp013
108 340 6em2A Crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus griseus in complex with fasudil
110 353 6eh3A Crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus griseus in complex with compounds rkp120 and rkp190
110 339 6eh0A Apo crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus
109 353 6erwA Crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus griseus in complex with compounds rkp013 and fasudil
100 338 6ertA Crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus griseus in complex with compounds rkp193 and rkp117
108 340 6em6A Crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus griseus in complex with compounds rkp032 and adp
106 338 6egwA Crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus griseus in complex with compounds rkp017 and rkp117
110 353 6emeA Crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus griseus in complex with compounds rkp182 and rkp190
107 353 6eh2A Crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus griseus in complex with compounds rkp032 and amp
106 343 6emdA Crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus griseus in complex with compounds rkp182 and rkp117
101 334 6e9lA Crystal structure of protein kinase a in complex with the pki peptide and a pyridinylbenzamide based inhibitor
110 353 6eruA Crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus griseus in complex with compound rkp120
101 333 6e99A Crystal structure of protein kinase a in complex with the pki peptide and an amino-pyridinylbenzamide based inhibitor.
102 340 6ersA Crystal structure of the protein-kinase a catalytic subunit from criteculus griseus in complex with compounds rkp182 and fasudil