Found 4435 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

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Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
652 2203 8kdbA Cryo-em structure of the human parainfluenza virus hpiv3 l-p polymerase in dimeric form
589 2201 8kdcA Cryo-em structure of the human parainfluenza virus hpiv3 l-p polymerase in monomeric form
496 2065 8r6yA Structure of the sftsv l protein stalled in a transcription-specific early elongation state with bound capped rna [transcription-early-elongation]
493 2056 8r6wA Structure of the sftsv l protein in a transcription-priming state with bound capped rna [transcription-priming]
430 1612 8r6uA Structure of the sftsv l protein in a transcription-priming state without capped rna [transcription-priming (in vitro)]
371 1301 8w1oK Cryo-em structure of btv virion
337 1301 8w1sK Cryo-em structure of btv pre-core
334 1301 8w1rK Cryo-em structure of btv core
628 2229 8izlA Structure of the mumps virus l protein bound by phosphoprotein tetramer
403 1412 8izmA Structure of the mumps virus l protein (state2) bound by phosphoprotein tetramer
566 2151 8qguA Apo hantaan virus polymerase in dimeric state
540 2151 8qhdA Hantaan virus polymerase in hexameric state
435 1384 8qe5A Apo hantaan virus polymerase in monomeric state
421 1376 8qh3A 5'vrna-bound hantaan virus polymerase in monomeric active state
407 1376 8qgtA 5'vrna-bound hantaan virus polymerase in monomeric intermediate state
43 226 8r5zA Structure of coxsackievirus b5 capsid (mutant cvb5f.cas.genogroupb) - e particle
134 443 8ynjA Crystal structure of langat virus helicase
172 756 8r65B 1918 h1n1 viral polymerase heterotrimer in complex with 4 repeat serine-5 phosphorylated polii peptide with ordered pb2 c-terminal domains
172 756 8r60B 1918 h1n1 viral polymerase heterotrimer in complex with 4 repeat serine-5 phosphorylated polii peptide
90 300 9emjA Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)
90 299 8s8wA Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
26 116 9emlB Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with sam and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
88 300 9emvA Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
95 318 8vecA Deep mutational scanning of sars-cov-2 plpro
24 116 9emjB Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)
25 114 8s8xB Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
93 301 8s8xA Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
25 114 8s8wB Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
93 300 9emlA Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with sam and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
24 115 9emvB Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
83 300 8intA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) k90r mutant
85 300 8inqA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) g15s mutant
85 306 8inwA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) k90r mutant in complex with inhibitor nirmatrelvir
86 306 8inuA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) g15s mutant in complex with inhibitor nirmatrelvir
84 301 8inxA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) g15s mutant in complex with inhibitor ensitrelvir
83 301 8inyA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) k90r mutant in complex with inhibitor ensitrelvir
27 161 8y9vD Zikv ns2b/ns3 protease
248 928 8gwmA Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
245 931 8gwkA Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
25 153 8y9vB Zikv ns2b/ns3 protease
100 592 8gwkE Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
94 592 8gwmE Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
14 113 8gwmG Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
18 113 8gwkG Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
43 187 8gwkB Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
46 187 8gwmB Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
208 756 8r3kB Influenza a/h7n9 polymerase in self-stalled pre-termination state, with pol ii ps5 ctd peptide mimic bound in site 1a/2a.
221 756 8pm0B Influenza a/h7n9 polymerase in replicase-like conformation in pre-initiation state with pol ii ps5 ctd peptide mimic bound in site 1a/2a
232 756 8pnpB Influenza a/h7n9 polymerase in pre-initiation state with continuous pol ii ps5 ctd peptide mimic bound in site 1a/2a
95 296 8rzdA Sars-cov-2 nsp16-nsp10 in complex with sam derivative inhibitor 9