Found 2823 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

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Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
86 417 8itnA Crystal structure of usp47apo catalytic domain
79 415 8itpB Crystal structure of usp47 catalytic domain complex with ubiquitin
90 300 9emjA Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)
65 172 8azlA Structure of sars-cov-2 nsp3 macrodomain in complex with 2'-deoxy-2'-fluoro-adpr
90 299 8s8wA Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
64 171 8azmA Structure of sars-cov-2 nsp3 macrodomain in complex with 8br-adpr
26 116 9emlB Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with sam and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
88 300 9emvA Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
95 318 8vecA Deep mutational scanning of sars-cov-2 plpro
100 458 8y6oU Cryo-em structure of the human minor pre-b complex (pre-precatalytic spliceosome) u11 and tri-snrnp part
1 18 8th6E Crystal structure of the g3bp1 ntf2-like domain bound to usp10 peptide
24 116 9emjB Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)
25 114 8s8xB Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
25 114 8s8wB Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
93 301 8s8xA Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
63 172 8azpA Structure of sars-cov-2 nsp3 macrodomain in complex with beta-methyl-adp
93 300 9emlA Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with sam and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
24 115 9emvB Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
83 300 8intA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) k90r mutant
85 300 8inqA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) g15s mutant
85 306 8inwA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) k90r mutant in complex with inhibitor nirmatrelvir
86 306 8inuA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) g15s mutant in complex with inhibitor nirmatrelvir
84 301 8inxA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) g15s mutant in complex with inhibitor ensitrelvir
83 301 8inyA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) k90r mutant in complex with inhibitor ensitrelvir
77 301 8uhoA Crystal structure of sars cov-2 3cl protease in complex with gsk4365096a
248 928 8gwmA Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
81 300 8ya5A Mpro from sars-cov-2
245 931 8gwkA Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
20 76 8gwkC Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
100 592 8gwkE Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
94 592 8gwmE Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
14 113 8gwmG Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
43 187 8gwkB Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
21 72 8gwmC Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
46 187 8gwmB Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
18 113 8gwkG Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
95 296 8rzdA Sars-cov-2 nsp16-nsp10 in complex with sam derivative inhibitor 9
28 115 8rzeB Sars-cov-2 nsp16-nsp10 in complex with sam derivative inhibitor 10
99 296 8rzcA Sars-cov-2 nsp16-nsp10 in complex with sam derivative inhibitor 11
28 115 8rzdB Sars-cov-2 nsp16-nsp10 in complex with sam derivative inhibitor 9
98 296 8rzeA Sars-cov-2 nsp16-nsp10 in complex with sam derivative inhibitor 10
29 116 8rzcB Sars-cov-2 nsp16-nsp10 in complex with sam derivative inhibitor 11
93 305 8cdcA Native 3clpro from sars-cov-2 at 1.54 a
88 305 8tpbA Synthesis, x-ray crystallographic and biological activities of covalent, non-peptidic inhibitors of sars-cov-2 main protease
87 305 8tphA Synthesis, x-ray crystallographic and biological activities of covalent, non-peptidic inhibitors of sars-cov-2 main protease
87 305 8tpeA Synthesis, x-ray crystallographic and biological activities of covalent, non-peptidic inhibitors of sars-cov-2 main protease
28 114 8tyjB Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 nsp10/nsp16 complex with bound sah
85 302 8uh8A Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease e166v (apo structure)
82 305 8tpiA Synthesis, x-ray crystallographic and biological activities of covalent, non-peptidic inhibitors of sars-cov-2 main protease
95 296 8tyjA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 nsp10/nsp16 complex with bound sah