Found 5444 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query ec:

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
41 201 8azkL Bovine 20s proteasome, untreated
43 220 8azkI Bovine 20s proteasome, untreated
40 202 8azkH Bovine 20s proteasome, untreated
53 328 8qylK Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 2
36 197 8qysQ Human preholo proteasome 20s core particle
39 198 8qynL Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 5
37 246 8qz9N Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 4
44 209 8qynO Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 5
38 198 8qylL Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 2
45 330 8qz9K Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 4
32 198 8qz9L Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 4
45 219 8qyoH Human proteasome 20s core particle
41 196 8qyoN Human proteasome 20s core particle
43 196 8qyoJ Human proteasome 20s core particle
41 210 8qynQ Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 5
44 262 8qysK Human preholo proteasome 20s core particle
14 108 8qyjK Human 20s proteasome assembly structure 1
51 213 8qyoL Human proteasome 20s core particle
46 208 8qysN Human preholo proteasome 20s core particle
47 204 8qyoI Human proteasome 20s core particle
45 328 8qymK Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 3
51 201 8qyoK Human proteasome 20s core particle
45 331 8qynK Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 5
36 193 8qymM Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 3
35 197 8qymL Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 3
41 247 8qynN Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 5
33 198 8qz9O Human 20s proteasome assembly intermediate structure 4
67 212 8ohzK Yeast 20s proteasome in complex with a photoswitchable cepafungin derivative (transcep1)
57 196 8oi1N Yeast 20s proteasome in complex with a photoswitchable cepafungin derivative (transcep4)
58 196 8ohzN Yeast 20s proteasome in complex with a photoswitchable cepafungin derivative (transcep1)
60 226 8oi1H Yeast 20s proteasome in complex with a photoswitchable cepafungin derivative (transcep4)
56 197 8bzlN Human 20s proteasome in complex with peptide activator peptide blm42
66 212 8oi1K Yeast 20s proteasome in complex with a photoswitchable cepafungin derivative (transcep4)
60 226 8ohzH Yeast 20s proteasome in complex with a photoswitchable cepafungin derivative (transcep1)
59 220 8bzlH Human 20s proteasome in complex with peptide activator peptide blm42
65 200 8bzlK Human 20s proteasome in complex with peptide activator peptide blm42
68 211 8g6eL Structure of the plasmodium falciparum 20s proteasome complexed with inhibitor tdi-8304
57 221 8g6eI Structure of the plasmodium falciparum 20s proteasome complexed with inhibitor tdi-8304
77 253 8g6fA Structure of the plasmodium falciparum 20s proteasome beta-6 a117d mutant complexed with inhibitor wlw-vs
59 222 8ud9I Structure of human constitutive 20s proteasome complexed with the inhibitor tdi-8304
56 202 8ud9H Structure of human constitutive 20s proteasome complexed with the inhibitor tdi-8304
70 239 8g6fF Structure of the plasmodium falciparum 20s proteasome beta-6 a117d mutant complexed with inhibitor wlw-vs
65 201 8ud9L Structure of human constitutive 20s proteasome complexed with the inhibitor tdi-8304
71 247 8g6fG Structure of the plasmodium falciparum 20s proteasome beta-6 a117d mutant complexed with inhibitor wlw-vs
59 228 8g6fB Structure of the plasmodium falciparum 20s proteasome beta-6 a117d mutant complexed with inhibitor wlw-vs
63 211 8g6fL Structure of the plasmodium falciparum 20s proteasome beta-6 a117d mutant complexed with inhibitor wlw-vs
55 221 8g6fI Structure of the plasmodium falciparum 20s proteasome beta-6 a117d mutant complexed with inhibitor wlw-vs
62 203 7b12L Human immunoproteasome 20s particle in complex with [2-(3-ethylphenyl)-1-[(2s)-3-phenyl-2-[(pyrazin-2-yl)formamido]propanamido]ethyl]boronic acid
57 219 7b12i Human immunoproteasome 20s particle in complex with [2-(3-ethylphenyl)-1-[(2s)-3-phenyl-2-[(pyrazin-2-yl)formamido]propanamido]ethyl]boronic acid
54 199 7b12H Human immunoproteasome 20s particle in complex with [2-(3-ethylphenyl)-1-[(2s)-3-phenyl-2-[(pyrazin-2-yl)formamido]propanamido]ethyl]boronic acid