Found 160 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

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Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
32 459 7vwxa Cryoem structure of football-shaped groel:es2 with rubisco
134 445 7zc1A Subtomogram averaging of rubisco from cyanobium carboxysome
50 449 7xsdA Cryo-em structure of rubisco assembly intermediate rbcl8raf18rbcx16
112 456 8ilbA The complexes of rbcl, atraf1 and atbsd2 (lfb)
127 448 8iolA The complex of rubisco large subunit (rbcl)
111 441 8iojA The rubisco assembly intermidiate of rubisco large subunit (rbcl) and arabidopsis thaliana rubisco accumulation factor 1 (atraf1)
141 443 8io2A The rubisco assembly intermidate of arabidopsis thaliana rubisco accumulation factor 1 (atraf1) and rubisco large subunit (rbcl)
112 456 8ilmA The cryo-em structure of eight rubisco large subunits (rbcl), two arabidopsis thaliana rubisco accumulation factors 1 (atraf1), and seven arabidopsis thaliana bundle sheath defective 2 (atbsd2)
145 442 8bcmA Structure of synechococcus elongatus pcc 7942 rubisco recombinantly expressed from e.coli
144 481 7yk5A Rubisco from phaeodactylum tricornutum bound to pyco1(452-592)
164 468 8bdbE Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from griffithsia monilis
162 480 8bdbA Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from griffithsia monilis
171 455 7smkA H. neapolitanus carboxysomal rubisco/csosca-peptide (1-50)complex
158 455 7snvA H. neapolitanus carboxysomal rubisco/csosca-peptide (1-50)complex
19 108 8cmyB Structure of the cyanobium sp. pcc 7001 determined with c1 symmetry
118 446 8cmyA Structure of the cyanobium sp. pcc 7001 determined with c1 symmetry
17 108 7yyoB Cryo-em structure of an a-carboxysome rubisco enzyme at 2.9 a resolution
117 446 7yyoA Cryo-em structure of an a-carboxysome rubisco enzyme at 2.9 a resolution
159 440 8dhtA Crystal structure of a typeiii rubisco
166 455 7t1jA Crystal structure of rubisco from rhodospirillaceae bacterium brh_c57
157 462 7t1cA Crystal structure of rubisco from sulfurivirga caldicuralii
135 444 7zbtA Subtomogram averaging of rubisco from native halothiobacillus carboxysomes
21 138 7jn4B Rubisco in the apo state
31 138 7jsxB Epyc1(106-135) peptide-bound rubisco
32 138 7jfoB Epyc1(49-72)-bound rubisco
138 444 7jfoA Epyc1(49-72)-bound rubisco
143 451 6kkmA Crystal structure of rbcl-raf1 complex from anabaena sp. pcc 7120
101 447 6smhA Cryo-electron microscopy structure of a rbcl-raf1 supercomplex from synechococcus elongatus pcc 7942
11 106 6lrsQ Cryo-em structure of rbcl8-rbcs4 from anabaena sp. pcc 7120
82 413 6lrsA Cryo-em structure of rbcl8-rbcs4 from anabaena sp. pcc 7120
15 106 6lrrQ Cryo-em structure of rubisco-raf1 from anabaena sp. pcc 7120
102 441 6lrrA Cryo-em structure of rubisco-raf1 from anabaena sp. pcc 7120
166 482 6uewA Rubisco / csos2 n-peptide complex responsible for alpha-carboxysome cargo loading
25 104 6uewB Rubisco / csos2 n-peptide complex responsible for alpha-carboxysome cargo loading
153 446 6hbcB Structure of the repeat unit in the network formed by ccmm and rubisco from synechococcus elongatus
146 456 5rubA Crystallographic refinement and structure of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase from rhodospirillum rubrum at 1.7 angstroms resolution
154 481 5n9zA Rubisco from thalassiosira hyalina
167 473 5macA Crystal structure of decameric methanococcoides burtonii rubisco complexed with 2-carboxyarabinitol bisphosphate
153 455 5kozA Structure function studies of r. palustris rubisco (k192c mutant; cabp-bound)
167 463 5iu0A Rubisco from arabidopsis thaliana
158 459 5hqmA Structure function studies of r. palustris rubisco (r. palustris/r. rubrum chimera)
151 456 5hqlA Structure function studies of r. palustris rubisco (a47v-m331a mutant; cabp-bound; no expression tag)
158 455 5hjyA Structure function studies of r. palustris rubisco (i165t mutant; cabp-bound)
160 467 8rucA Activated spinach rubisco complexed with 2-carboxyarabinitol bisphosphate
110 459 9rubA Crystal structure of activated ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase complexed with its substrate, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate
25 123 8rucI Activated spinach rubisco complexed with 2-carboxyarabinitol bisphosphate
150 482 6ftlA Rubisco from skeletonema marinoi
151 447 6ekcA1 Crystal structure of the bsd2 homolog of arabidopsis thaliana bound to the octameric assembly of rbcl from thermosynechococcus elongatus
45 113 5bs2A Crystal structure of rbcx-iia from chlamydomonas reinhardtii in complex with rbcl c-terminal tail
33 138 4f0hB Unactivated rubisco with oxygen bound