Found 18 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 18. Applied filters: RNA

Search results query: pre-mrna-splicing factor 8

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
0 159 3jcmE Cryo-em structure of the spliceosomal u4/u6.u5 tri-snrnp
0 81 5lqw2 Yeast activated spliceosome
0 1120 5gmkL Cryo-em structure of the catalytic step i spliceosome (c complex) at 3.4 angstrom resolution
1 103 5gm6E Cryo-em structure of the activated spliceosome (bact complex) at 3.5 angstrom resolution
4 156 5gm6D Cryo-em structure of the activated spliceosome (bact complex) at 3.5 angstrom resolution
1 103 5gmkE Cryo-em structure of the catalytic step i spliceosome (c complex) at 3.4 angstrom resolution
0 170 5lqw5 Yeast activated spliceosome
0 66 5gm6L Cryo-em structure of the activated spliceosome (bact complex) at 3.5 angstrom resolution
1 102 5lqw6 Yeast activated spliceosome
4 156 5wsgD Cryo-em structure of the catalytic step ii spliceosome (c* complex) at 4.0 angstrom resolution
1 103 5wsgE Cryo-em structure of the catalytic step ii spliceosome (c* complex) at 4.0 angstrom resolution
0 1120 5wsgL Cryo-em structure of the catalytic step ii spliceosome (c* complex) at 4.0 angstrom resolution
1 101 5y88D Cryo-em structure of the intron-lariat spliceosome ready for disassembly from s.cerevisiae at 3.5 angstrom
0 1169 6j6gL Cryo-em structure of the yeast b*-a2 complex at an average resolution of 3.2 angstrom
4 156 5y88B Cryo-em structure of the intron-lariat spliceosome ready for disassembly from s.cerevisiae at 3.5 angstrom
0 1120 5y88F Cryo-em structure of the intron-lariat spliceosome ready for disassembly from s.cerevisiae at 3.5 angstrom
1 103 6j6gE Cryo-em structure of the yeast b*-a2 complex at an average resolution of 3.2 angstrom
4 183 6j6gD Cryo-em structure of the yeast b*-a2 complex at an average resolution of 3.2 angstrom