Found 444 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: atp synthase subunit alpha, mitochondrial

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
7 38 8ki3Q Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
134 470 8ki3D Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
9 45 8ki3I Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
38 156 8ki3M Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
9 41 8ki3P Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
68 206 8ki3K Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
23 77 8ki3S Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
13 44 8ki3T Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
9 35 8ki3J Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
27 132 8ki3H Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
60 187 8ki3O Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
18 74 8ki3R Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
25 75 8ki31 Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
12 67 8ki3L Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
65 223 8ki3N Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
85 271 8ki3G Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
153 507 8ki3A Structure of the human atp synthase bound to bedaquiline (composite)
135 470 8h9uD Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
160 486 8h9uA Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
135 470 8h9iD Human atp synthase f1 domain, state2
39 271 8h9eG Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 1
40 271 8h9lG Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 3a
154 486 8h9pA Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 3b
12 35 8h9lJ Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 3a
57 187 8h9eO Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 1
139 470 8h9lD Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 3a
170 507 8h9eA Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 1
12 35 8h9eJ Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 1
105 466 8h9pD Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 3b
37 271 8h9iG Human atp synthase f1 domain, state2
137 470 8h9eD Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 1
151 486 8h9iA Human atp synthase f1 domain, state2
37 271 8h9pG Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 3b
162 486 8h9lA Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 3a
58 187 8h9lO Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 3a
57 187 8h9pO Human atp synthase f1 domain, state 3b
52 187 8h9iO Human atp synthase f1 domain, state2
13 45 8h9uI Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
12 35 8h9uJ Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
58 187 8h9uO Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
9 51 8h9uQ Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
16 44 8h9uT Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
23 77 8h9uS Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
99 271 8h9uG Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
74 223 8h9uN Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
75 206 8h9uK Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
21 74 8h9uR Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
40 156 8h9uM Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
34 132 8h9uH Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)
29 75 8h9u1 Human atp synthase state 3a (combined)