Found 1357 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: photosystem i p700 chlorophyll a apoprotein a1

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
283 741 8weyA Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
292 730 8weyB Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
53 158 8weyF Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
18 83 8weyO Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
11 80 8weyC Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
11 32 8weyI Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
44 172 8wey1 Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
10 28 8weyM Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
42 121 8weyL Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
23 63 8weyK Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
56 183 8wey2 Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
48 151 8wey3 Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
12 38 8weyJ Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
10 61 8weyE Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
19 117 8weyD Psi-lhci of the red alga cyanidium caldarium rk-1 (nies-2137)
245 734 7wg5AB Cyclic electron transport supercomplex ndh-psi from arabidopsis
250 733 7wfeBB Right psi in the cyclic electron transfer supercomplex ndh-psi from arabidopsis
244 742 7wg5AA Cyclic electron transport supercomplex ndh-psi from arabidopsis
231 742 7ksqA The structure of the moss psi-lhci reveals the evolution of the lhci antenna
209 715 7wg5F Cyclic electron transport supercomplex ndh-psi from arabidopsis
231 742 7kuxA The structure of the moss psi-lhci reveals the evolution of the lhci antenna
165 497 7wg5D Cyclic electron transport supercomplex ndh-psi from arabidopsis
237 772 7s3dA Structure of photosystem i with bound ferredoxin from synechococcus sp. pcc 7335 acclimated to far-red light
237 772 7s3dA Structure of photosystem i with bound ferredoxin from synechococcus sp. pcc 7335 acclimated to far-red light
233 742 7s3dB Structure of photosystem i with bound ferredoxin from synechococcus sp. pcc 7335 acclimated to far-red light
233 742 7s3dB Structure of photosystem i with bound ferredoxin from synechococcus sp. pcc 7335 acclimated to far-red light
13 39 7o01J Dimeric photosystem i of a temperature sensitive mutant chlamydomonas reinhardtii
96 346 7f9oG Psi-ndh supercomplex of barley
10 68 7f9oE Psi-ndh supercomplex of barley
48 205 7f9o5 Psi-ndh supercomplex of barley
31 100 7f9oP Psi-ndh supercomplex of barley
26 194 7f9oV Psi-ndh supercomplex of barley
225 742 7f9oA Psi-ndh supercomplex of barley
44 158 7f9oF Psi-ndh supercomplex of barley
21 144 7bgiD Photosystem i of a temperature sensitive mutant chlamydomonas reinhardtii
21 144 7o01D Dimeric photosystem i of a temperature sensitive mutant chlamydomonas reinhardtii
220 743 7m76A Room temperature xfel crystallography reveals asymmetry in the vicinity of the two phylloquinones in photosystem i
44 151 7m78L Room temperature xfel crystallography reveals asymmetry in the vicinity of the two phylloquinones in photosystem i
10 31 7m76M Room temperature xfel crystallography reveals asymmetry in the vicinity of the two phylloquinones in photosystem i
15 159 7f9oU Psi-ndh supercomplex of barley
52 343 7f9o6 Psi-ndh supercomplex of barley
243 733 7f9oB Psi-ndh supercomplex of barley
25 84 7o01K Dimeric photosystem i of a temperature sensitive mutant chlamydomonas reinhardtii
11 30 7ew6I Barley photosystem i-lhci-lhca5 supercomplex
16 149 7f9o0 Psi-ndh supercomplex of barley
9 80 7m76C Room temperature xfel crystallography reveals asymmetry in the vicinity of the two phylloquinones in photosystem i
9 29 7m76X Room temperature xfel crystallography reveals asymmetry in the vicinity of the two phylloquinones in photosystem i
58 217 7bgi8 Photosystem i of a temperature sensitive mutant chlamydomonas reinhardtii
156 483 7f9oM Psi-ndh supercomplex of barley
8 69 7m76E Room temperature xfel crystallography reveals asymmetry in the vicinity of the two phylloquinones in photosystem i