Found 2164 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: spike glycoprotein

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
156 1117 8zc0A Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.2 spike trimer (6p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (2 rbd up)
157 1115 8zc4A Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.4 spike trimer (6p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (2 rbd up)
173 1112 8zbyA Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.1 spike trimer (x2-4p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (0 rbd up)
222 1106 8tc5A Cryo-em structure of spike glycoprotein from civet coronavirus sz3 in closed conformation
19 220 8zc3D Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.4 spike trimer (6p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (1 rbd up)
16 228 8zc0H Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.2 spike trimer (6p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (2 rbd up)
129 1115 8zc3A Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.4 spike trimer (6p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (1 rbd up)
18 220 8zc4G Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.4 spike trimer (6p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (2 rbd up)
28 228 8zbyG Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.1 spike trimer (x2-4p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (0 rbd up)
16 228 8zbzE Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.2 spike trimer (6p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (1 rbd up)
22 228 8zc3E Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.4 spike trimer (6p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (1 rbd up)
32 220 8zbyD Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.1 spike trimer (x2-4p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (0 rbd up)
135 1117 8zbzA Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.2 spike trimer (6p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (1 rbd up)
21 228 8zc4H Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.4 spike trimer (6p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (2 rbd up)
18 220 8zc0G Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.2 spike trimer (6p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (2 rbd up)
20 220 8zbzD Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.2 spike trimer (6p) in complex with 3 d1f6 fabs (1 rbd up)
33 126 8owvFFF H6 and f2 nanobodies bound to sars-cov-2 spike rbd
18 107 8r8kL Xbb-4 fab in complex with sars-cov-2 ba.2.12.1 spike glycoprotein
42 280 8r8kA Xbb-4 fab in complex with sars-cov-2 ba.2.12.1 spike glycoprotein
45 198 8owvEEE H6 and f2 nanobodies bound to sars-cov-2 spike rbd
33 125 8owvBBB H6 and f2 nanobodies bound to sars-cov-2 spike rbd
23 128 8r8kH Xbb-4 fab in complex with sars-cov-2 ba.2.12.1 spike glycoprotein
269 1208 8y19A Closed conformation of hku1-b s protein after incubation of the receptor
227 1208 8y1bA 1up-2 conformation of hku1-b s protein after incubation of the receptor
255 1208 8y1fA The closed conformation of the hku1-b s protein in the apo state
218 1208 8y1hA The closed conformation of the hku1-b s protein in the apo state
226 1208 8y1gA The 1up conformation of the hku1-b s protein in the apo state
223 1208 8y1cA 2up-1 conformation of hku1-b s protein after incubation of the receptor
217 1208 8y1eA 3up-tm conformation of hku1-b s protein after incubation of the receptor
241 1208 8y1dA 2up-tm conformation of hku1-b s protein after incubation of the receptor
236 1208 8y1aA 1up-1 conformation of hku1-b s protein after incubation of the receptor
157 1113 8xlmA Structure of the sars-cov-2 eg.5.1 spike glycoprotein in complex with ace2 (1-up state)
237 1109 8tc0A Cryo-em structure of spike glycoprotein from bat coronavirus wiv1 in closed conformation
172 596 8xlmD Structure of the sars-cov-2 eg.5.1 spike glycoprotein in complex with ace2 (1-up state)
237 1105 8tc1A Cryo-em structure of spike glycoprotein from civet coronavirus 007 in closed conformation
38 345 8y1dD 2up-tm conformation of hku1-b s protein after incubation of the receptor
38 345 8y1eD 3up-tm conformation of hku1-b s protein after incubation of the receptor
229 1111 8xi6A Sars-cov-2 omicron bq.1.1 variant spike protein complexed with mo11 fab
192 1129 8wmfA Structure of the sars-cov-2 eg.5.1 spike glycoprotein (closed-1 state)
196 1120 8wmdA Structure of the sars-cov-2 eg.5.1 spike glycoprotein (closed-2 state)
22 123 8xi6D Sars-cov-2 omicron bq.1.1 variant spike protein complexed with mo11 fab
17 104 8xi6E Sars-cov-2 omicron bq.1.1 variant spike protein complexed with mo11 fab
175 1120 8khcA Sars-cov-2 omicron spike in complex with 5817 fab
15 125 8khcF Sars-cov-2 omicron spike in complex with 5817 fab
13 108 8khcG Sars-cov-2 omicron spike in complex with 5817 fab
207 1134 8wloA Cryo-em structure of sars-cov-2 prototype spike protein in complex with hippopotamus ace2
218 1125 8vyeE Sars-cov-2 s (c.37 lambda variant) plus s309, s2l20, and s2x303 fabs
16 107 8vyeC Sars-cov-2 s (c.37 lambda variant) plus s309, s2l20, and s2x303 fabs
15 125 8vyeH Sars-cov-2 s (c.37 lambda variant) plus s309, s2l20, and s2x303 fabs
156 597 8wloE Cryo-em structure of sars-cov-2 prototype spike protein in complex with hippopotamus ace2