Found 528 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: flavoprotein

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
127 392 8rqhA Crystal structure of the flavoprotein monooxygenase trle from streptomyces cyaneofuscatus soc7
21 52 8vjnA Myxococcus xanthus encapsulin cargo protein encd in complex with flavin mononucleotide
36 131 8j68A Crystal structure of the lov1 r60k mutant of klebsormidium nitens phototropin
166 499 8qncA Crystal structure of ancestral l-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase: a113g variant
155 497 8qnrA Crystal structure of ancestral l-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase: g413n variant in complex with l-gulono-1,4-lactone
172 498 8qmyA Crystal structure of ancestral l-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase
165 497 8qnbA Crystal structure of ancestral l-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase: in complex with l-galactono-1,4-lactone
34 122 8iynA Crystal structure of lov1 d33n mutant of phototropin from klebsormidium nitens
67 194 8romA Crystal structure of human fad synthase paps domain in complex with fad
112 469 8ronA Crystal structure of human fad synthase, isoform 2
61 167 8v2yA Room temperature x-ray crystal structure of fmn-bound long-chain flavodoxin from rhodopseudomonas palustris
57 167 8snzA X-ray crystal structure of fmn-bound long-chain flavodoxin from rhodopseudomonas palustris
145 493 8clwA Crystal structure of maize cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase 4 (cko/ckx4) in complex with inhibitor 2-[(3,5-dichlorophenyl)carbamoylamino]-4-methoxy-benzamide
158 499 8ck6A Crystal structure of maize cko/ckx8 in complex with urea-derived inhibitor 2-[(3,5-dichlorophenyl)carbamoylamino]-4-methoxy-benzamide
146 490 8ckqA Crystal structure of maize cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase 4 (cko/ckx4) in complex with inhibitor 2-[(3,5-dichlorophenyl)carbamoylamino]benzamide
149 491 8cktA Crystal structure of maize cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase 4 (cko/ckx4) in complex with inhibitor 2-[(3,5-dichlorophenyl)carbamoylamino]-4-(trifluoromethoxy)benzamide
131 422 8ot8A Alditol oxidase from actinomycetota bacterium in complex with d-xylulose
147 492 8cm2A Crystal structure of maize cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase 4 (cko/ckx4) in complex with inhibitor 2-[[3,5-dichloro-2-(2-hydroxyethyl)phenyl]carbamoylamino]-4-(trifluoromethoxy)benzamide
150 497 8cj9A Crystal structure of maize cko/ckx8 in complex with urea-derived inhibitor 2-[(3,5-dichlorophenyl)carbamoylamino]benzamide
193 536 8am3AAA Cyclohexanone dehydrogenase (cdh) from alicycliphilus denitrificans k601 - wildtype
194 536 8am8AAA Cyclohexanone dehydrogenase (cdh) from alicycliphilus denitrificans k601 complexed with dehydrogenated substrate - w113a mutant
201 547 8am6AAA Cyclohexanone dehydrogenase (cdh) from alicycliphilus denitrificans k601 complexed with dehydrogenated substrate cyclohex-2-en-1-one - inactive mutant (y195f)
184 588 8plyA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 35.
188 588 8pluA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 31.
185 588 8pltA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 30.
182 588 8plwA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 33.
191 588 8plxA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 34.
189 588 8plvA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 32.
188 588 8plsA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 29.
185 588 8plcA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 13.
189 588 8plmA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 23.
187 588 8pl7A Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 8.
187 588 8plkA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 21.
192 588 8pl6A Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 7.
190 588 8pljA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 20.
189 588 8pl8A Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 9.
192 588 8pleA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 15.
193 588 8plpA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 26.
190 588 8pl2A Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 3.
195 588 8pl5A Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 6.
188 588 8pldA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 14.
187 588 8plgA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 17.
191 588 8plbA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 12.
193 588 8pl9A Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 10.
188 588 8plrA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 28.
185 588 8pliA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 19.
189 587 8pl0A Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 1.
187 588 8pl1A Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 2.
188 588 8plqA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 27.
183 588 8plhA Thioredoxin glutathione reductase of schistosoma mansoni fragment screen hit 18.