Found 38884 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: hydrolase

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
88 252 8ppsA Dimeric rbda eal, in apo state
58 151 8yxkA X-ray structure of clostridioides difficile endolysin ecd09610 glucosaminidase domain.
70 233 8ujlA Crystal structure of human ctdnep1-nep1r1 protein phosphatase complex
97 260 8isrA Crystal structure of extended-spectrum class a beta-lactamase, cess-1 e166q acylated by cefaclor
167 536 8q8hA Crystal structure of apo beta-d-galnacase from niabella aurantiaca (structure 2)
94 259 8ispA Crystal structure of extended-spectrum class a beta-lactamase, cess-1 e166q acylated by cephalexin
109 464 8qxoA Cryo-em structure of tetrameric human samhd1 state v - depleted relaxed
97 260 8isoA Crystal structure of extended-spectrum class a beta-lactamase, cess-1
87 257 8yxnA X-ray structure of clostridium perfringens autolysin catalytic domain in the p1 form
117 465 8qxkA Cryo-em structure of tetrameric human samhd1 state i - tense
86 301 8jcmA The crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease in complex with compound 55
116 306 8k05A Pseudouridine 5'-monophosphate glycosylase from arabidopsis thaliana -- sulfate bound holoenzyme
90 243 8oxfA Enantioselective synthesis of fluorine-containing building blocks by employing mutant hhdh in a two-phase system
115 303 8k07A Pseudouridine 5'-monophosphate glycosylase from arabidopsis thaliana -- citrate bound k185a mutant
90 306 8jcnA The crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease in complex with compound 58
163 509 8jgoA Crystal structure of deinococcus radiodurans exopolyphosphatase
155 510 8jgtA Crystal structure of deinococcus radiodurans exopolyphosphatase e114a mutant
113 465 8qxlA Cryo-em structure of tetrameric human samhd1 state ii - hemi-relaxed
119 465 8qxmA Cryo-em structure of tetrameric human samhd1 state iii - relaxed
93 261 8isqA Crystal structure of extended-spectrum class a beta-lactamase, cess-1 e166q acylated by ampicillin
84 302 8jcoA The crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease in complex with compound 65
100 310 8jguA Crystal structure of n-terminal domain of exopolyphosphatase from deinococcus radiodurans
220 643 9bczA Chicken 1-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase zeta-1 (plcz1) in complex with calcium and phosphorylated threonine
188 500 8jgwA Crystal structure of klebsiella pneumoniae exopolyphosphatase
160 510 8jgqA Crystal structure of deinococcus radiodurans exopolyphosphatase complexed with p5
83 302 8jcjA The crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease in complex with compound 18
108 465 8qxnA Cryo-em structure of tetrameric human samhd1 state iv - depleted relaxed
158 510 8jgpA Crystal structure of deinococcus radiodurans exopolyphosphatase complexed with pyrophosphate
21 146 8cgaA Structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis dutpase delta 133a-137s mutant
64 189 8jctA Crystal structure of fungal cutinase from aspergillus fumigatiaffinis
73 251 8ujmA Crystal structure of human ctdnep1-nep1r1 protein phosphatase complex with magnesium
139 477 8qxjA Cryo-em structure of tetrameric human samhd1 with dapnhpp
67 191 8ylbA Cocrystal structures of agonists compound 1 with hsclpp
158 502 8jgxA Crystal structure of acinetobacter baumannii exopolyphosphatase
115 303 8k06A Pseudouridine 5'-monophosphate glycosylase from arabidopsis thaliana -- psu, r5p bound k185a mutant
85 302 8jclA The crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease in complex with compound 52
85 302 8jckA The crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease in complex with compound 32
165 510 8jgrA Crystal structure of deinococcus radiodurans exopolyphosphatase in the presence of pi
150 510 8jd7A Endo-1,3-fucanase gh174a
122 536 8uwsA Cryo-em structure of an enterobacter gh43 beta-xylosidase: ecxyl43
250 754 8po6A Structure of escherichia coli hrpa apo form
228 682 8wg2A Crystal structure of gh97 glucodextranase mutant e509q from flavobacterium johnsoniae in complex with isomaltotriose
229 682 8wg1A Crystal structure of gh97 glucodextranase mutant e509q from flavobacterium johnsoniae in complex with panose
191 827 8ovfA Human mitochondrial lon y186f mutant adp bound
73 193 8jkrA Sp1746 in complex with ump
214 682 8wg0A Crystal structure of gh97 glucodextranase from flavobacterium johnsoniae in complex with glucose
75 195 8jk9A Sp1746 in complex with gdp
73 218 8qamB Vaccinia virus uracil dna glycosidase mutant i197k-v200e-l204k
226 623 8po7A Structure of escherichia coli hrpa in complex with adp and dinucleotide dcdc
78 194 8jk5A Crystal structure of sp1746 from streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 4 (strain atcc baa-334 / tigr4)