Found 4683 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: ligase

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
128 422 9eqhA Wwp2 ww2-2,3-linker-hect (wwp2-lh)
148 546 9eqkA Wwp1 ww2-2,3-linker-ww3-ww4-hect (wwp1-2l34h) with ordered ww2 domain
66 511 8qbn7 Structure of the non-canonical ctlh e3 substrate receptor wdr26 bound to ypel5
60 508 8qe8A Structure of the non-canonical ctlh e3 substrate receptor wdr26 bound to nmnat1 substrate
47 250 8qe81 Structure of the non-canonical ctlh e3 substrate receptor wdr26 bound to nmnat1 substrate
19 119 8qbnY Structure of the non-canonical ctlh e3 substrate receptor wdr26 bound to ypel5
40 148 9bivB Crystal structure of ubc13 with a new active site loop conformation
132 439 8t42A Model of ttll6 mtbh1-2 bound to microtubule
63 229 8owpA Crystal structure of mycobacterium smegmatis coab in complex with ctp and 2-(1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-phenyl-1h-indol-3-yl)-2-oxoacetic acid
60 229 8owrA Crystal structure of mycobacterium smegmatis coab in complex with ctp and 2-(1-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-1h-indol-3-yl)-2-oxoacetic acid
64 229 8owbA Crystal structure of mycobacterium smegmatis coab in complex with ctp and 2-(5-bromo-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1h-indol-3-yl)-2-oxoacetic acid
8 25 8t42N Model of ttll6 mtbh1-2 bound to microtubule
62 229 8owqA Crystal structure of mycobacterium smegmatis coab in complex with ctp and 2-(1-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5-phenyl-1h-indol-3-yl)-2-oxoacetic acid
56 228 8ow5A Crystal structure of mycobacterium smegmatis coab in complex with ctp and 5-methoxy-1h-indole-2-carboxylic acid
133 427 8t42B Model of ttll6 mtbh1-2 bound to microtubule
106 354 8fffA Crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus d-alanine d-alanine ligase enzyme in complex with acetate
43 140 9bivA Crystal structure of ubc13 with a new active site loop conformation
29 87 8j81A Mdm2 bound with a peptoid
42 89 8sdeA Electrostatic-mediated tetramerization of the coiled-coil domain in trim29
35 80 8sdiA Hydrophobic interactions drive the tetrameric assembly of the trim45 coiled-coil domain
53 112 8sdjA Hydrophobic interactions drive the tetrameric assembly of the trim20 coiled-coil domain
390 2417 8q7hA Structure of cul9-rbx1 ubiquitin e3 ligase complex in unneddylated and neddylated conformation - focused cullin dimer
325 2421 8rhzA Structure of cul9-rbx1 ubiquitin e3 ligase complex in unneddylated conformation - symmetry expanded unneddylated dimer
251 1849 8q7eA Structure of cul9-rbx1 ubiquitin e3 ligase complex - hexameric assembly
28 148 8j1rC Cryo-em structures of ufd4 in complex with ubc4-ub
10 76 8q7hN Structure of cul9-rbx1 ubiquitin e3 ligase complex in unneddylated and neddylated conformation - focused cullin dimer
187 768 8j1rA Cryo-em structures of ufd4 in complex with ubc4-ub
10 88 8rhzC Structure of cul9-rbx1 ubiquitin e3 ligase complex in unneddylated conformation - symmetry expanded unneddylated dimer
12 86 8q7hC Structure of cul9-rbx1 ubiquitin e3 ligase complex in unneddylated and neddylated conformation - focused cullin dimer
22 151 8q7hE Structure of cul9-rbx1 ubiquitin e3 ligase complex in unneddylated and neddylated conformation - focused cullin dimer
169 1139 8t9aA Cryoem structure of human ddb1-dcaf12 in complex with magea3
58 414 8t9aB Cryoem structure of human ddb1-dcaf12 in complex with magea3
138 400 8qicA Structure-based identification of salicylic acid derivatives as malarial threonyl trna-synthetase inhibitors
210 729 8wqeA Cryo-em structure of cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of cux1 (conformation 1)
224 729 8wqfA Cryo-em structure of cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of cux1 (conformation 2)
221 730 8wqgC Cryo-em structure of neddylated cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of ccdc89 (conformation 1)
203 730 8wqcC Cryo-em structure of neddylated cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of cdk5r1
11 85 8wqgF Cryo-em structure of neddylated cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of ccdc89 (conformation 1)
13 99 8wqhF Cryo-em structure of neddylated cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of ccdc89 (conformation 2)
12 86 8wqbE Cryo-em structure of cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of ccdc89 (conformation 2)
87 268 8wqfF Cryo-em structure of cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of cux1 (conformation 2)
185 627 8wqcA Cryo-em structure of neddylated cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of cdk5r1
4 23 8wqaK Cryo-em structure of cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of ccdc89 (conformation 1)
21 96 8wqeE Cryo-em structure of cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of cux1 (conformation 1)
193 640 8wqhA Cryo-em structure of neddylated cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of ccdc89 (conformation 2)
63 289 8oioA Crystal structure of the kelch domain of human klhl12 in complex with plekha4 peptide
74 364 8tl6B Cryo-em structure of ddb1deltab-dda1-dcaf5
23 96 8wqhE Cryo-em structure of neddylated cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of ccdc89 (conformation 2)
7 65 8royD Structure of the human ddb1-dda1-dcaf15 e3 ubiquitin ligase bound to compound furan 24
5 76 8wqcK Cryo-em structure of neddylated cul2-rbx1-elob-eloc-fem1b bound with the c-degron of cdk5r1