Found 815 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: oxygen transport

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
133 393 8tnvA Hemocyanin functional unit cchb-g of concholepas concholepas
55 146 7ud7B Crystal structure of deoxygenated hemoglobin in complex with 5hmf-no at 1.8 angstrom
58 141 7ud8A Crystal structure of carbon monoxy hemoglobin in complex with 5hmf at 1.8 angstrom
55 146 7ud8B Crystal structure of carbon monoxy hemoglobin in complex with 5hmf at 1.8 angstrom
56 141 7uf6A Crystal structure of liganded hb with the 5-hmf analog, mma509
63 141 7ud7A Crystal structure of deoxygenated hemoglobin in complex with 5hmf-no at 1.8 angstrom
53 146 7uf7B Crystal structure of liganded hb with the 5-hmf analog, mma503
59 141 7uf7A Crystal structure of liganded hb with the 5-hmf analog, mma503
58 146 7uf6B Crystal structure of liganded hb with the 5-hmf analog, mma509
54 146 7dy4B High resolution crystal structure of hemoglobin m boston.
60 141 7dy4A High resolution crystal structure of hemoglobin m boston.
56 146 7dy3B High resolution crystal structure of hemoglobin m iwate.
61 141 7dy3A High resolution crystal structure of hemoglobin m iwate.
57 133 7ohdA Crystal structure of ferric murine neuroglobin cdless mutant
51 146 8purB Dexyhemoglobin structure from serial synchrotron crystallography with fixed target
53 146 8puqB Methemoglobin structure from serial synchrotron crystallography with fixed target
49 140 8purA Dexyhemoglobin structure from serial synchrotron crystallography with fixed target
49 139 8puqA Methemoglobin structure from serial synchrotron crystallography with fixed target
54 146 8fdmB Human hemoglobin in complex with nitrosomethane
55 144 8fdlB Human hemoglobin with nitrosochloramphenicol
54 141 8fdnA Human hemoglobin with n-tertbutylhydroxylamine
56 139 8fdmA Human hemoglobin in complex with nitrosomethane
47 142 8fdnB Human hemoglobin with n-tertbutylhydroxylamine
55 141 8fdlA Human hemoglobin with nitrosochloramphenicol
51 143 8fdkB Phenylhydroxylamine in reaction with human hemoglobin
58 141 8fdkA Phenylhydroxylamine in reaction with human hemoglobin
58 146 7uvbB Crystal structure of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin s (liganded sickle cell hemoglobin) complexed with gbt021601
53 141 7uvbA Crystal structure of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin s (liganded sickle cell hemoglobin) complexed with gbt021601
57 143 7qu4G Recombinant human fetal hemoglobin mutant - alpha subunit mutations k11e,k56e,n78d,k90e
57 142 7qu4A Recombinant human fetal hemoglobin mutant - alpha subunit mutations k11e,k56e,n78d,k90e
57 146 8egiB X-ray structure of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin in complex with vzhe039-no
55 141 8egiA X-ray structure of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin in complex with vzhe039-no
41 146 7xgyB Cryo-em structure of hemoglobin
48 141 7xgyA Cryo-em structure of hemoglobin
48 149 7vlfD Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 26% oxygen saturation
48 150 7vlfC Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 26% oxygen saturation
55 143 7vlfB Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 26% oxygen saturation
57 146 7vlfA Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 26% oxygen saturation
55 147 7vleD Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 55% oxygen saturation
57 149 7vleC Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 55% oxygen saturation
61 146 7vleA Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 55% oxygen saturation
58 144 7vleB Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 55% oxygen saturation
64 151 7vdnA High resolution crystal structure of sperm whale myoglobin in the carbonmonoxy form
56 144 7vlcB Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 78% oxygen saturation
55 148 7vldD Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 69% oxygen saturation
60 144 7vldB Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 69% oxygen saturation
58 149 7vldC Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 69% oxygen saturation
61 146 7vlcA Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 78% oxygen saturation
61 146 7vldA Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 69% oxygen saturation
56 147 7vlcD Oxy-deoxy intermediate of v2 hemoglobin at 78% oxygen saturation