Found 25223 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: transferase

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
320 796 8rvkA Maltodextrin phosphorylase (malp) in complex with a alpha-1,2-cyclophellitol analogue
107 279 8z9uA Crystal structure of the methermicoccus shengliensis zc-1 2-methoxybenzoic acid methyltransferase (mtxa)
147 527 8ui6A X-ray crystal structure of toxoplasma gondii galnac-t3 in complex with udp-galnac, mn2+, and muc5ac-3,13
152 526 8ujhA X-ray crystal structure of toxoplasma gondii galnac-t3 in complex with udp-galnac, mn2+, and a cst1 diglycopeptide.
0 6 8ui6B X-ray crystal structure of toxoplasma gondii galnac-t3 in complex with udp-galnac, mn2+, and muc5ac-3,13
177 517 8xfdA Crystal structure of pyruvate kinase tetramer in complex with allosteric activator, mitapivat (mtpv, ag-348)
148 447 8k41A Mercuric reductase,gbsmera, - fad bound
159 526 8ujeA X-ray crystal structure of toxoplasma gondii galnac-t3 in complex with udp-galnac, mn2+, and muc5ac-3,13
15 45 8oydA Trkb transmembrane domain nmr structure in dmpc/dhpc bicelles
151 529 8uhvA X-ray crystal structure of toxoplasma gondii apo galnac-t3
72 214 8y9pA Crystal structure of bacterial activating sulfotransferase sgdx2
131 526 8ujfA X-ray crystal structure of toxoplasma gondii galnac-t3 in complex with udp-galnac, mn2+, and muc5ac-3,13
199 510 8q2pA Structure of the membrane integral lipoprotein n-acyltransferase lnt from e. coli by using se-mag for the the lipid cubic phase crystallization
157 530 8ujgA X-ray crystal structure of toxoplasma gondii galnac-t3 in complex with udp-galnac, mn2+, and the mono-glycopeptide srs13.2
159 528 8uhzA X-ray crystal structure of toxoplasma gondii galnac-t3 in complex with mn2+
144 448 8k40A Mercuric reductase,gbsmera, - fad bound
146 528 8ui1A X-ray crystal structure of toxoplasma gondii galnac-t3 at ph 7.3
93 288 8ovtA Crystal structure of the ligand-free yegt glycosyltransferase
103 566 8pn9E Structure of human oligosaccharyltransferase ost-a complex bound to ngi-1
37 110 8pn9D Structure of human oligosaccharyltransferase ost-a complex bound to ngi-1
66 214 8tpyA Structure of human hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribzosyltransferase in complex with [2s,4r] 4-guanin-9-yl-2-hydroxymethyl-1-n-(3-phosphonopropionyl)pyrrolidine
24 78 8pn9C Structure of human oligosaccharyltransferase ost-a complex bound to ngi-1
35 120 8pn9H Structure of human oligosaccharyltransferase ost-a complex bound to ngi-1
75 240 8wtcA Crystal structure of mcsb kinase domain complexed with mcsa.
27 99 8wtbB Crystal structure of mcsa/mcsb complex truncated by chymotrypsin
159 699 8pn9A Structure of human oligosaccharyltransferase ost-a complex bound to ngi-1
57 199 8tr1A Crystal structure of trypanosome brucei hypoxanthine guanine phosphopribosyltransferase in complex with [2s,4r]-4-guanin-9-yl-2-(2- phosphonoethoxymethyl)-1-n-(3-phosphonopropionyl)pyrrolidine
26 100 8wtcB Crystal structure of mcsb kinase domain complexed with mcsa.
84 311 9bhrA Crystal structure of the wdr domain of human dcaf1 in complex with oicr-40155 compound
98 351 8j9bH Lnab-actin binary complex
140 404 8v9mA Human ornithine aminotransferase cocrystallized with its inhibitor, (r)-3-amino-5,5-difluorocyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxylic acid.
89 374 8j9bA Lnab-actin binary complex
100 329 8hy3A Crystal structure of human secretory glutaminyl cyclase in complex with 1-benzyl-5-methyl-1h-imidazole
43 262 8pn9F Structure of human oligosaccharyltransferase ost-a complex bound to ngi-1
65 411 8pn9G Structure of human oligosaccharyltransferase ost-a complex bound to ngi-1
58 193 8ts4A Crystal structure of t. brucei hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase in complex with [2s,4s]-4-guanin-9-yl-2-(2-phosphonoethoxymethyl)-1-n-(3-phosphonopropionyl)pyrrolidine
66 201 9bkzA Crystal structure of dephospho-coa kinase from klebsiella aerogenes (coa and adp bound)
70 241 8wtbA Crystal structure of mcsa/mcsb complex truncated by chymotrypsin
13 33 8pn9B Structure of human oligosaccharyltransferase ost-a complex bound to ngi-1
71 215 8tpvA Structure of human hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribzosyltransferase in complex with [2s,4r]-4-guanin-9-yl-2-(2-phosphonoethoxymethyl)-1-n-(3-phosphonopropionyl)pyrrolidine
102 299 8w3xA Crystal structure of irak4 in complex with compound 6
155 422 8sl9A Crystal structure of francisella tularensis hppk-dhps in complex with hppk inhibitor hp-73
31 81 8pkaB Structure of the human mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis complex during persulfide transfer (without frataxin)
33 124 8pk8D Structure of the human mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis complex during persulfide transfer (persulfide on iscu2)
113 353 8hksA Mutated human adp-ribosyltransferase 2 (parp2) catalytic domain bound to pamiparib(bgb-290)
135 395 8xhkA Crystal structure of alpha-oxoamine synthase alb29 with plp cofactor
85 312 9bhsA Crystal structure of the wdr domain of human dcaf1 in complex with oicr-9939 compound
107 329 9epyA Crystal structure of human casein kinase ii subunit alpha (ck2a1) in complex with allosteric ligand fgc3330
148 401 8xhaA Crystal structure of alpha-oxoamine synthase alb29 with plp cofactor and l-glutamate
28 119 8pk8E Structure of the human mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis complex during persulfide transfer (persulfide on iscu2)