Found 7689 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: translation

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
32 71 8j9sA Leucine zipper complex of aimp1 and aimp2
12 32 8j9sC Leucine zipper complex of aimp1 and aimp2
278 1332 8ptxA Cryo-em structure of human elp123 in complex with trna, acetyl-coa, 5'-deoxyadenosine and methionine
239 1332 8pu0A Cryo-em structure of human elp123 in complex with trna, desulpho-coa, 5'-deoxyadenosine and methionine
106 821 8pu0B Cryo-em structure of human elp123 in complex with trna, desulpho-coa, 5'-deoxyadenosine and methionine
117 826 8ptxB Cryo-em structure of human elp123 in complex with trna, acetyl-coa, 5'-deoxyadenosine and methionine
97 826 8ptzB Cryo-em structure of human elp123 in complex with trna, s-ethyl-coa, 5'-deoxyadenosine and methionine
97 722 8ptyA Cryo-em structure of human elp123 in complex with 5'-deoxyadenosine and methionine
128 538 8ptzC Cryo-em structure of human elp123 in complex with trna, s-ethyl-coa, 5'-deoxyadenosine and methionine
106 818 8ptyB Cryo-em structure of human elp123 in complex with 5'-deoxyadenosine and methionine
143 538 8ptxC Cryo-em structure of human elp123 in complex with trna, acetyl-coa, 5'-deoxyadenosine and methionine
144 538 8pu0C Cryo-em structure of human elp123 in complex with trna, desulpho-coa, 5'-deoxyadenosine and methionine
108 463 8ptyC Cryo-em structure of human elp123 in complex with 5'-deoxyadenosine and methionine
102 720 8ptzA Cryo-em structure of human elp123 in complex with trna, s-ethyl-coa, 5'-deoxyadenosine and methionine
16 122 8jiwBS Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
37 263 8jiwBE Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
21 124 8jiwBY Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
12 94 8jiwBP Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
34 216 8jiwBI Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
17 152 8jiwBL Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
5 50 8jiwBd Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
39 149 8jiwBN Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
46 190 8jiwBF Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
38 319 8jiwBg Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
39 210 8jiwBD Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
46 220 8jiwBC Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
52 195 8jiwBA Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
27 182 8jiwBH Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
16 82 8jiwBK Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
39 229 8jiwBG Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
38 213 8jiwBB Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
32 137 8jiwBT Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
28 130 8jiwBO Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
33 139 8jiwBQ Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
47 183 8jiwBJ Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
28 119 8jiwBR Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
30 129 8jiwBW Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
14 68 8jiwBZ Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
5 61 8jiwBc Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
8 98 8jiwBa Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
10 81 8jiwBV Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
9 25 8jiwCn Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
26 139 8jiwBX Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
4 53 8jiwBe Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
9 86 8jiwBb Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
18 101 8jiwBU Atomic structure of wheat ribosome reveals unique features of the plant ribosomes
22 124 8p03O 48s late-stage initiation complex with m6a mrna
46 188 8p09L 48s late-stage initiation complex with non methylated mrna
51 207 8p09C 48s late-stage initiation complex with non methylated mrna
18 104 8p03W 48s late-stage initiation complex with m6a mrna