Found 604 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Ribosomal_S19

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
25 130 7ls1x2 80s ribosome from mouse bound to eef2 (class ii)
16 83 7rq81s Crystal structure of the wild-type thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with iboxamycin, mrna, deacylated a- and e-site trnas, and aminoacylated p-site trna at 2.50a resolution
13 83 7rq91s Crystal structure of the a2058-dimethylated thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with iboxamycin, mrna, deacylated a- and e-site trnas, and aminoacylated p-site trna at 2.60a resolution
15 82 7o19AS Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli tnac-ribosome complex stalled in response to l-tryptophan
12 82 7o1cAS Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli tnac(r23f)-ribosome-rf2 complex stalled in response to l-tryptophan
12 84 7oj0S Cryo-em structure of 70s ribosome stalled with tnac peptide and rf2
10 86 7acjx Structure of translocated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
10 83 7acrx Structure of post-translocated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
14 82 7ac7x Structure of accomodated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
20 83 7n31SS Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a post-translocation (post) conformation
18 82 7n30SS Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a hybrid-h2* pre-translocation (pre-h2*) conformation
18 84 7n2uSS Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a hybrid-h1 pre-translocation (pre-h1) conformation
19 83 7n1pSS Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a classical pre-translocation (pre-c) conformation
17 84 7n2cSS Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a fusidic acid-stalled intermediate state of translocation bound to ef-g(gdp) (int2)
16 124 6xu6AP Drosophila melanogaster testis 80s ribosome
14 82 7afnS Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state b (head domain)
16 82 7afdS Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state a (head domain)
17 82 7afhS Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state c (head domain)
18 83 7af3S Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state m (head domain)
14 82 7afkS Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state d (head domain)
6 78 7lh5AS Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with plazomicin, mrna and trnas
14 82 7b5ks E. coli 70s containing suppressor trna in the a-site stabilized by a negamycin analogue and p-site trna-nascent chain.
15 82 7m4ws A. baumannii ribosome-eravacycline complex: 70s empty
17 82 7m4zs A. baumannii ribosome-eravacycline complex: 70s with hpf
15 82 7m4xs A. baumannii ribosome-eravacycline complex: 70s with p-trna
20 82 7m4us A. baumannii ribosome-eravacycline complex: 30s
21 117 7b7dE Yeast 80s ribosome bound to eef3 and a/a- and p/p-trnas
15 83 6vywW Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex c3 (ttc-c3) containing mrna with a 27 nt long spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
13 83 6xqd1s Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with sarecycline, uuc-mrna, and deacylated p-site trna at 2.80a resolution
15 83 6vyuW Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex c2 (ttc-c2) containing a 27 nt long mrna spacer
14 83 6xqe1s Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with sarecycline, uaa-mrna, and deacylated p-site trna at 3.00a resolution
15 83 6vyrW Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex a1 (ttc-a1) containing an 18 nt long mrna spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
15 83 6x7fW Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli coupled transcription-translation complex b2 (ttc-b2) containing an mrna with a 24 nt long spacer, transcription factors nusa and nusg, and fmet-trnas at p-site and e-site
15 83 6vzjW Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex a1 (ttc-a1) containing mrna with a 15 nt long spacer, fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site, and lacking transcription factor nusg
15 83 6vz2W Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex d1 (ttc-d1) containing mrna with a 27 nt long spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
15 83 6x6tW Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli coupled transcription-translation complex b1 (ttc-b1) containing an mrna with a 24 nt long spacer, transcription factors nusa and nusg, and fmet-trnas at p-site and e-site
15 83 6vz7W Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex c1 (ttc-c1) containing a 27 nt long mrna spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at p-site and e-site
15 83 6vyxW Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex c4 (ttc-c4) containing mrna with a 21 nt long spacer, transcription factor nusg, and fmet-trnas at p-site and e-site
15 83 6vyqW Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex a1 (ttc-a1) containing an 15 nt long mrna spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
15 83 6vz3W Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex d2 (ttc-d2) containing mrna with a 27 nt long spacer
15 83 6vysW Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex a1 (ttc-a1) containing a 21 nt long mrna spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
15 83 6vyyW Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex c5 (ttc-c5) containing mrna with a 21 nt long spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
15 83 6vytW Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex a2 (ttc-a2) containing a 15 nt long mrna spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at p-site and e-site
15 83 6x7kW Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli coupled transcription-translation complex b3 (ttc-b3) containing an mrna with a 24 nt long spacer, transcription factors nusa and nusg, and fmet-trnas at p-site and e-site
15 83 6vu3W Cryo-em structure of escherichia coli transcription-translation complex a (ttc-a) containing mrna with a 12 nt long spacer
15 83 6vyzW Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex c6 (ttc-c6) containing mrna with a 21 nt long spacer, nusa, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
15 83 6x9qW Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli coupled transcription-translation complex b3 (ttc-b3) containing an mrna with a 27 nt long spacer, transcription factors nusa and nusg, and fmet-trnas at p-site and e-site
15 83 6vz5W Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex d3 (ttc-d3) containing mrna with a 21 nt long spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
10 83 6ntaQS Modified asl proline bound to thermus thermophilus 70s (cognate)
20 127 6zvkA3 The halastavi arva virus (halv) intergenic region ires promotes translation by the simplest possible initiation mechanism