Found 806 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Ribosomal_S8

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
26 129 7ls1P3 80s ribosome from mouse bound to eef2 (class ii)
28 137 7rq91h Crystal structure of the a2058-dimethylated thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with iboxamycin, mrna, deacylated a- and e-site trnas, and aminoacylated p-site trna at 2.60a resolution
35 137 7rq81h Crystal structure of the wild-type thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with iboxamycin, mrna, deacylated a- and e-site trnas, and aminoacylated p-site trna at 2.50a resolution
29 129 7o1cAH Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli tnac(r23f)-ribosome-rf2 complex stalled in response to l-tryptophan
33 129 7o19AH Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli tnac-ribosome complex stalled in response to l-tryptophan
26 129 7oj0H Cryo-em structure of 70s ribosome stalled with tnac peptide and rf2
24 129 7nsph Structure of ermdl-erythromycin-stalled 70s e. coli ribosomal complex with a and p-trna
28 129 7mq9NO Cryo-em structure of the human ssu processome, state pre-a1*
28 129 7k55M Near post-translocated +1-frameshifting(ccc-a) complex with ef-g and gdpcp (structure iii-fs)
25 129 7k50M Pre-translocation non-frameshifting(cca-a) complex (structure i)
26 129 7k52M Near post-translocated non-frameshifting(cca-a) complex with ef-g and gdpcp (structure iii)
29 129 7k54M Mid-translocated +1-frameshifting(ccc-a) complex with ef-g and gdpcp (structure ii-fs)
29 129 7k53M Pre-translocation +1-frameshifting(ccc-a) complex (structure i-fs)
24 129 7k51M Mid-translocated non-frameshifting(cca-a) complex with ef-g and gdpcp (structure ii)
28 127 7d63SX Cryo-em structure of 90s preribosome with inactive utp24 (state c)
25 127 7d5tSX Cryo-em structure of 90s preribosome with inactive utp24 (state f1)
25 127 7d4iSX Cryo-em structure of 90s small ribosomal precursors complex with the deah-box rna helicase dhr1 (state f)
22 129 7acjm Structure of translocated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
26 129 7acrm Structure of post-translocated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
30 129 7abzm Structure of pre-accomodated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
27 129 7ac7m Structure of accomodated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
27 129 7oi0H E.coli delta rbfa pre-30s ribosomal subunit class d
29 129 7nsqh Structure of ermdl-telithromycin-stalled 70s e. coli ribosomal complex with a and p-trna
30 129 7n31SH Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a post-translocation (post) conformation
33 129 7n2uSH Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a hybrid-h1 pre-translocation (pre-h1) conformation
28 129 7nsoh Structure of ermdl-erythromycin-stalled 70s e. coli ribosomal complex with p-trna
33 129 7n1pSH Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a classical pre-translocation (pre-c) conformation
32 128 7n30SH Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a hybrid-h2* pre-translocation (pre-h2*) conformation
33 129 7n2cSH Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a fusidic acid-stalled intermediate state of translocation bound to ef-g(gdp) (int2)
24 129 6xu6AW Drosophila melanogaster testis 80s ribosome
27 129 7nasH Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state a (multibody refinement for body domain of 30s ribosome)
30 129 7bofH Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state i (body domain)
31 129 7boiH Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state f (multibody refinement for body domain of 30s ribosome)
33 129 7afoH Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state b (body domain)
27 129 7bodH Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state m (body domain)
28 129 7bogH Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state e (body domain)
29 129 7afiH Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state c (body domain)
29 129 7aflH Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state d (multibody refinement for body domain of 30s ribosome)
23 138 7lh5AH Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with plazomicin, mrna and trnas
28 129 7b5kh E. coli 70s containing suppressor trna in the a-site stabilized by a negamycin analogue and p-site trna-nascent chain.
28 130 7m4zh A. baumannii ribosome-eravacycline complex: 70s with hpf
29 130 7m4wh A. baumannii ribosome-eravacycline complex: 70s empty
31 130 7m4xh A. baumannii ribosome-eravacycline complex: 70s with p-trna
30 130 7m4uh A. baumannii ribosome-eravacycline complex: 30s
24 129 6zuoW Human rio1(kd)-stha late pre-40s particle, structural state a (pre 18s rrna cleavage)
25 129 6zv6W Human rio1(kd)-stha late pre-40s particle, structural state b (post 18s rrna cleavage)
33 129 7nrcSb Structure of the yeast gcn1 bound to a leading stalled 80s ribosome with rbg2, gir2, a- and p-trna and eif5a
30 131 7nhli Vgaa-lc, an antibiotic resistance abcf, in complex with 70s ribosome from staphylococcus aureus
30 137 7md71h Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with triphenylphosphonium analog of chloramphenicol cam-c4-tpp and protein y (yfia) at 2.80a resolution
17 129 7d80I Molecular model of the cryo-em structure of 70s ribosome in complex with peptide deformylase, trigger factor, and methionine aminopeptidase