Found 980 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: S4

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
47 262 7ls1r2 80s ribosome from mouse bound to eef2 (class ii)
51 184 7ls1L3 80s ribosome from mouse bound to eef2 (class ii)
56 208 7rq91d Crystal structure of the a2058-dimethylated thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with iboxamycin, mrna, deacylated a- and e-site trnas, and aminoacylated p-site trna at 2.60a resolution
59 208 7rq81d Crystal structure of the wild-type thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with iboxamycin, mrna, deacylated a- and e-site trnas, and aminoacylated p-site trna at 2.50a resolution
50 205 7o19AD Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli tnac-ribosome complex stalled in response to l-tryptophan
53 205 7o1cAD Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli tnac(r23f)-ribosome-rf2 complex stalled in response to l-tryptophan
59 205 7oj0D Cryo-em structure of 70s ribosome stalled with tnac peptide and rf2
40 205 7nspd Structure of ermdl-erythromycin-stalled 70s e. coli ribosomal complex with a and p-trna
45 183 7mq9LZ Cryo-em structure of the human ssu processome, state pre-a1*
49 171 7mq9L9 Cryo-em structure of the human ssu processome, state pre-a1*
44 205 7lv0I Pre-translocation rotated ribosome +1-frameshifting(ccc-a) complex (structure irot-fs)
37 205 7k55I Near post-translocated +1-frameshifting(ccc-a) complex with ef-g and gdpcp (structure iii-fs)
50 205 7k53I Pre-translocation +1-frameshifting(ccc-a) complex (structure i-fs)
47 205 7k54I Mid-translocated +1-frameshifting(ccc-a) complex with ef-g and gdpcp (structure ii-fs)
39 205 7k51I Mid-translocated non-frameshifting(cca-a) complex with ef-g and gdpcp (structure ii)
37 205 7k52I Near post-translocated non-frameshifting(cca-a) complex with ef-g and gdpcp (structure iii)
46 205 7k50I Pre-translocation non-frameshifting(cca-a) complex (structure i)
30 229 7d63SF Cryo-em structure of 90s preribosome with inactive utp24 (state c)
44 171 7d63SK Cryo-em structure of 90s preribosome with inactive utp24 (state c)
43 182 7d635F Cryo-em structure of 90s preribosome with inactive utp24 (state c)
44 171 7d5sSK Cryo-em structure of 90s preribosome with inactive utp24 (state a2)
40 182 7d5t5F Cryo-em structure of 90s preribosome with inactive utp24 (state f1)
44 174 7d5tSK Cryo-em structure of 90s preribosome with inactive utp24 (state f1)
27 247 7d5tSF Cryo-em structure of 90s preribosome with inactive utp24 (state f1)
44 174 7d4iSK Cryo-em structure of 90s small ribosomal precursors complex with the deah-box rna helicase dhr1 (state f)
38 182 7d5s5F Cryo-em structure of 90s preribosome with inactive utp24 (state a2)
40 182 7d4i5F Cryo-em structure of 90s small ribosomal precursors complex with the deah-box rna helicase dhr1 (state f)
27 247 7d4iSF Cryo-em structure of 90s small ribosomal precursors complex with the deah-box rna helicase dhr1 (state f)
43 205 7acji Structure of translocated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
48 205 7acri Structure of post-translocated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
51 205 7ac7i Structure of accomodated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
31 181 6xu7AJ Drosophila melanogaster testis polysome ribosome
42 205 7abzi Structure of pre-accomodated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
52 205 7oi0D E.coli delta rbfa pre-30s ribosomal subunit class d
20 83 7ope1 Rqch dr variant bound to 50s-peptidyl-trna-rqcp rqc complex (rigid body refinement)
60 205 7n2uSD Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a hybrid-h1 pre-translocation (pre-h1) conformation
51 205 7nsqd Structure of ermdl-telithromycin-stalled 70s e. coli ribosomal complex with a and p-trna
62 205 7n31SD Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a post-translocation (post) conformation
51 205 7nsod Structure of ermdl-erythromycin-stalled 70s e. coli ribosomal complex with p-trna
58 205 7n1pSD Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a classical pre-translocation (pre-c) conformation
60 204 7n30SD Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a hybrid-h2* pre-translocation (pre-h2*) conformation
53 205 7n2cSD Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a fusidic acid-stalled intermediate state of translocation bound to ef-g(gdp) (int2)
32 181 6xu6AJ Drosophila melanogaster testis 80s ribosome
31 261 6xu6AE Drosophila melanogaster testis 80s ribosome
52 205 7nasD Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state a (multibody refinement for body domain of 30s ribosome)
53 205 7bodD Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state m (body domain)
59 205 7boiD Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state f (multibody refinement for body domain of 30s ribosome)
61 205 7bogD Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state e (body domain)
62 205 7afoD Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state b (body domain)
55 205 7bofD Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state i (body domain)