Found 500 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Y_phosphatase

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
149 524 7r7lA Structure of human shp2 in complex with compound 30
61 160 7mpcA Structure of ssoptp bound to vanadate
62 160 7mpdA Structure of ssoptp bound to 2-chloroethylsulfonate
97 279 6zz4A Crystal structure of the ptpn2 c216g mutant
153 524 7rctA Non-receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase shp2 in complex with allosteric inhibitor rmc-4550
106 298 7rinA Apo ptp1b by native s-sad at room temperature
112 282 6xftA Crystal structure of the cys-no modified yoph tyrosine phosphatase
99 283 7lfoA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b
97 287 6w30A Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b bound to amorphadiene
107 282 7l0iA Ligand-free yoph g352t
108 282 7l0mA Vanadate-bound yoph g352t
105 299 7l0hA Vanadate-bound ptp1b t177g
108 299 7l0cA Ligand-free ptp1b t177g
110 298 7mm1A Ptp1b in complex with tcs401 by native s-sad at room temperature
150 526 7emnA The atomic structure of shp2 e76a mutant
109 298 7kenA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b, d289a mutant, apo state
160 526 6wu8A Structure of human shp2 in complex with inhibitor iacs-13909
23 93 6t36A Crystal structure of the ptpn3 pdz domain bound to the hbv core protein c-terminal peptide
105 302 6krxA Crystal structure of atptp1 at 1.7 angstrom
104 306 6krwA Crystal structure of atptp1 at 1.4 angstrom
40 158 6wurA Crystal structure of prl-2 phosphatase c101d mutant in complex with the bateman domain of cnnm3 magnesium transporter
77 276 6sucA Human ptpru d1 domain, oxidised form
83 275 6subA Human ptpru d1 domain, reduced form
156 524 6cmpA Closed structure of inactive shp2 mutant c459e
147 526 6cmsA Closed structure of active shp2 mutant e76k bound to shp099 inhibitor
144 527 6cmrA Closed structure of active shp2 mutant e76d bound to shp099 inhibitor
108 423 6cmqA Structure of human shp2 without n-sh2 domain
142 526 6crfA Crystal structure of shp2 e76k gof mutant in the open conformation
99 281 6cwuA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b f135y mutant
146 522 6crgA Crystal structure of shp2 e76k gof mutant in complex with shp099
89 288 6d4dA Crystal structure of the ptp epsilon d1 domain
104 282 5qe0A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmopl000648a
101 282 5qdoA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmocr000171b
98 282 5qfkA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmooa000509a
96 282 5qf6A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmsoa000281b
103 282 5qeuA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmomb000149a
96 282 5qeyA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmopl000708a
105 282 5qf8A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmomb000114a
99 282 5qg5A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmsoa000811b
95 282 5qdqA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_xst00000847b
99 282 5qf4A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmomb000144a
94 282 5qfqA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmooa000491a
101 282 5qf1A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmsoa000272b
96 282 5qfeA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmooa000509a
95 282 5qdmA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmopl000074a
100 282 5qepA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_xst00000692b
102 282 5qeqA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_xst00000245b
105 282 5qg4A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmooa000666a
101 282 5qdiA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_fmopl000157a
94 282 5qfbA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of ptp1b in complex with compound_pkooa000283c