Found 934 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: ubiquitin

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
13 75 7m2kB Cdc34a-ubiquitin-2ab inhibitor complex
5 55 7ls2T3 80s ribosome from mouse bound to eef2 (class i)
2 62 7ls1U3 80s ribosome from mouse bound to eef2 (class ii)
5 55 7ls1T3 80s ribosome from mouse bound to eef2 (class ii)
8 52 7ls1g2 80s ribosome from mouse bound to eef2 (class ii)
49 269 7sdeB Cryo-em structure of nse5/6 heterodimer
16 76 7oniN Structure of neddylated cul5 c-terminal region-rbx2-arih2*
73 456 7o2wA Structure of the c9orf72-smcr8 complex
14 71 7myfC Ubiquitin variant ubv.k.1 in complex with ube2k
21 73 7npiB Crystal structure of mindy2 (c266a) in complex with lys48-linked penta-ubiquitin (k48-ub5)
14 72 7myfB Ubiquitin variant ubv.k.1 in complex with ube2k
22 74 7myhB Ubiquitin variant ubv.k.2 in complex with ube2k
3 58 7mq9NT Cryo-em structure of the human ssu processome, state pre-a1*
26 103 7m6tB Crystal structure of socs2/elonginb/elonginc bound to a non-canonical peptide that enhances phospho-peptide binding
18 73 7keoC Crystal structure of k29-linked di-ubiquitin in complex with synthetic antigen binding fragment
27 103 7jtoJ Crystal structure of protac ms33 in complex with the wd repeat-containing protein 5 and pvhl:elonginc:elonginb
21 74 7jxvB Anth domain of calm (clathrin-assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia protein) bound to ubiquitin
25 103 7jtpJ Crystal structure of protac ms67 in complex with the wd repeat-containing protein 5 and pvhl:elonginc:elonginb
20 76 7e62A Mouse tab2 nzf in complex with lys6-linked diubiquitin
19 72 7dniE Mda5 cards-mavs card polyub complex
14 72 7dnjE K63-polyub mda5cards complex
21 73 7e62B Mouse tab2 nzf in complex with lys6-linked diubiquitin
19 75 6xz1C Conjugate of the hect domain of huwe1 with ubiquitin
23 75 7s6oA The crystal structure of lys48-linked di-ubiquitin
42 151 7s6pA The crystal structure of human isg15
20 73 7s6oB The crystal structure of lys48-linked di-ubiquitin
22 76 7rbrB The crystal structure of papain-like protease of sars cov-2, c111s mutant, in complex with a lys48-linked di-ubiquitin
38 157 7rbsB The crystal structure of papain-like protease of sars cov-2, c111s mutant, in complex with human isg15
18 75 7micB Maize rayado fino virus protease in complex with ubiquitin
44 152 7ealA The structure of the a20-binding inhibitor of nf-kb 1 in complex with di-ubiquitin
75 299 7eb9A The structure of the a20-binding inhibitor of nf-kb 1 in complex with tetra-ubiquitin
52 224 7eaoA The structure of the a20-binding inhibitor of nf-kb 1 in complex with tri-ubiquitin
28 106 7cjbB Vhl recognizes hydroxyproline in ripk1
22 75 7mc9B X-ray structure of pedv papain-like protease 2 bound to ub-pa
12 76 7e8iL Structural insight into brca1-bard1 complex recruitment to damaged chromatin
15 80 7lycK Cryo-em structure of the human nucleosome core particle ubiquitylated at histone h2a lys13 and lys15 in complex with bard1 (residues 415-777)
20 76 6z7vC Crystal structure of mindy2 (c266a) in complex with lys48 linked di-ubiquitin (k48-ub2)
50 269 7ltoB Nse5-6 complex
5 63 6zuof Human rio1(kd)-stha late pre-40s particle, structural state a (pre 18s rrna cleavage)
4 63 6zv6f Human rio1(kd)-stha late pre-40s particle, structural state b (post 18s rrna cleavage)
14 74 7m3qB Structure of the smurf2 hect domain with a high affinity ubiquitin variant (ubv)
16 77 6ud0B Solution-state nmr structural ensemble of human tsg101 uev in complex with k63-linked diubiquitin
17 76 6ud0A Solution-state nmr structural ensemble of human tsg101 uev in complex with k63-linked diubiquitin
28 105 7khhA Ternary complex of vhl/brd4-bd1/compound9 (4-(3,5-difluoropyridin-2-yl)-n-(11-(((s)-1-((2s,4r)-4-hydroxy-2-((4-(4-methylthiazol-5-yl)benzyl)carbamoyl)pyrrolidin-1-yl)-3,3-dimethyl-1-oxobutan-2-yl)amino)-11-oxoundecyl)-10-methyl-7-((methylsulfonyl)methyl)-11-oxo-3,4,10,11-tetrahydro-1h-1,4,10-triazadibenzo[cd,f]azulene-6-carboxamide)
9 75 7b5mU Ubiquitin ligation to f-box protein substrates by scf-rbr e3-e3 super-assembly: cul1-rbx1-skp1-skp2-ckshs1-p27~ub~arih1. transition state 2
28 105 6zhcBBB Protac6 mediated complex of vhl:elob:eloc and bcl-xl
13 76 6wjdu Sa-like state of human 26s proteasome with non-cleavable m1-linked hexaubiquitin and e3 ubiquitin ligase e6ap/ube3a
17 75 6yptB X-ray structure of turnip yellow mosaic virus pro/dub in complex with ubiquitin
19 73 6lp2C Structure of lpg2148/ube2n-ub complex
1 62 6zxff Cryo-em structure of a late human pre-40s ribosomal subunit - state g