Found 9270 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 651 - 700. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: 16s rrna

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
32 205 7sswI Late translocation intermediate with ef-g dissociated (structure vi)
14 141 7st6i Pre translocation, non-rotated 70s ribosome (structure i)
10 143 7st6l Pre translocation, non-rotated 70s ribosome (structure i)
18 116 7sswP Late translocation intermediate with ef-g dissociated (structure vi)
25 142 7st6j Pre translocation, non-rotated 70s ribosome (structure i)
11 58 7ssoz Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
39 201 7st6d Pre translocation, non-rotated 70s ribosome (structure i)
9 65 7st6Z Pre translocation, non-rotated 70s ribosome (structure i)
18 127 7st6N Pre translocation, non-rotated 70s ribosome (structure i)
15 82 7ssoU Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
10 79 7ssnX Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/p* and p/e trna (structure ii-b)
10 223 7sswa Late translocation intermediate with ef-g dissociated (structure vi)
15 122 7ssok Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
12 65 7ssoZ Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
10 98 7ssnO Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/p* and p/e trna (structure ii-b)
12 98 7ssoO Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
18 114 7ssoR Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
25 85 7ssnY Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/p* and p/e trna (structure ii-b)
24 120 7sson Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
21 116 7ssoo Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
8 75 7sslw Pre translocation intermediate with ef-g bound to gdp and pi (structure iii)
25 85 7sswY Late translocation intermediate with ef-g dissociated (structure vi)
14 93 7ssot Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
5 46 7sswD Late translocation intermediate with ef-g dissociated (structure vi)
20 131 7ssoh Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
13 114 7ssop Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
52 225 7ssoG Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
16 110 7st6s Pre translocation, non-rotated 70s ribosome (structure i)
30 176 7st6f Pre translocation, non-rotated 70s ribosome (structure i)
23 116 7sswo Late translocation intermediate with ef-g dissociated (structure vi)
11 58 7st6z Pre translocation, non-rotated 70s ribosome (structure i)
23 88 7st6T Pre translocation, non-rotated 70s ribosome (structure i)
8 52 7st6g Pre translocation, non-rotated 70s ribosome (structure i)
20 129 7ss9M Late translocation intermediate with ef-g partially dissociated (structure v)
13 100 7ss9K Late translocation intermediate with ef-g partially dissociated (structure v)
17 127 7ss9N Late translocation intermediate with ef-g partially dissociated (structure v)
12 114 7ss9R Late translocation intermediate with ef-g partially dissociated (structure v)
35 206 7ss9H Late translocation intermediate with ef-g partially dissociated (structure v)
23 88 7ss9T Late translocation intermediate with ef-g partially dissociated (structure v)
44 218 7ss9G Late translocation intermediate with ef-g partially dissociated (structure v)
9 46 7ss9D Late translocation intermediate with ef-g partially dissociated (structure v)
26 151 7ss9L Late translocation intermediate with ef-g partially dissociated (structure v)
34 205 7ss9I Late translocation intermediate with ef-g partially dissociated (structure v)
17 157 7ss9J Late translocation intermediate with ef-g partially dissociated (structure v)
23 176 7sslf Pre translocation intermediate with ef-g bound to gdp and pi (structure iii)
8 64 7ssoE Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
12 223 7ssla Pre translocation intermediate with ef-g bound to gdp and pi (structure iii)
23 88 7sslT Pre translocation intermediate with ef-g bound to gdp and pi (structure iii)
8 46 7ssoD Pre translocation 70s ribosome with a/a and p/e trna (structure ii-a)
21 149 7sslg Pre translocation intermediate with ef-g bound to gdp and pi (structure iii)