Found 153 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

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Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
134 499 5mewA The study of the x-ray induced enzymatic reduction of molecular oxygen to water for laccase from steccherinum murashkinskyi. second structure of the series with total exposition time 33 min.
136 499 5mi2A The study of the x-ray induced enzymatic reduction of molecular oxygen to water for laccase from steccherinum murashkinskyi.the 10-th structure of the series with total exposition time 273 min.
136 499 5mejA Structural study of the x-ray induced enzymatic reduction of molecular oxygen to water for laccase from steccherinum murashkinskyi. first structure of the series with 3 min total x-ray exposition time.
161 554 5lwxA Crystal structure of the h253d mutant of mcog from aspergillus niger
153 550 5lwwA Crystal structure of a laccase-like multicopper oxidase mcog from aspergillus niger bound to zinc
160 549 5lm8A Crystal structure of a laccase-like multicopper oxidase mcog from from aspergillus niger
79 278 5lhlA Crystal structure of two-domain laccase from streptomyces griseoflavus
130 439 5k84A Crystal structure of laccase from thermus thermophilus hb27 (sodium nitrate 10 min)
128 439 5k5kA Crystal structure of laccasse from thermus thermophilus hb27 (ascorbic acid 10 min)
129 439 5k7aA Crystal structure of laccase fron thermus thermophilus hb27 (sodium nitrate 1.5 min)
128 439 5jx9A Crystal structure of laccase from thermus thermophilus hb27 (cu(ii)-cyclophanes, 5 min)
129 486 6evgA Structural and functional characterisation of a bacterial laccase-like multi-copper oxidase cueo from lignin-degrading bacterium ochrobactrum sp. with oxidase activity towards lignin model compounds and lignosulfonate
145 495 5z1xA Crystal structure of laccase from cerrena sp. rsd1
127 439 5afaA Crystal structure of laccase from thermus thermophilus hb27 complexed with ag, crystal of the holoenzyme soaked for 30 m in 5 mm agno3 at 278 k.
84 415 4f7kA Crystal structure of lac15 from a marine microbial metagenome
125 439 4ai7A Crystal structure of laccase from thermus thermophilus hb27 complexed with hg, crystal of the apoenzyme soaked for 2 h in 5 mm hgcl2 at 278 k.
145 510 4a66A Mutations in the neighbourhood of cota-laccase trinuclear site: d116a mutant
147 510 4akqA Mutations in the neighbourhood of cota-laccase trinuclear site: e498d mutant
139 496 4a2gA Coriolopsis gallica laccase collected at 8.98 kev
139 496 4a2dA Coriolopsis gallica laccase t2 copper depleted at ph 4.5
147 510 4a67A Mutations in the neighbourhood of cota-laccase trinuclear site: d116e mutant
145 510 4akpA Mutations in the neighbourhood of cota-laccase trinuclear site: e498t mutant
140 496 4a2eA Crystal structure of a coriolopsis gallica laccase at 1.7 a resolution ph 5.5
137 496 4a2fA Coriolopsis gallica laccase collected at 12.65 kev
148 510 4akoA Mutations in the neighbourhood of cota-laccase trinuclear site: e498l mutant
147 509 4a68A Mutations in the neighbourhood of cota-laccase trinuclear site: d116n mutant
139 496 4a2hA Crystal structure of laccase from coriolopsis gallica ph 7.0
147 500 3x1bA Crystal structure of laccase from lentinus sp. at 1.8 a resolution
163 543 3v9eA Structure of the l499m mutant of the laccase from b.aclada
145 499 3v9cA Type-2 cu-depleted fungus laccase from trametes hirsuta at low dose of ionization radiation
136 495 3t6wA Crystal structure of steccherinum ochraceum laccase obtained by multi-crystals composite data collection technique (10% dose)
77 279 3tbbA Small laccase from streptomyces viridosporus t7a; alternate crystal form.
81 300 3tasA Small laccase from streptomyces viridosporus t7a
79 273 3ta4D Small laccase from amycolatopsis sp. atcc 39116 complexed with 1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-1,3-dihydroxypropane
81 270 3t9wA Small laccase from amycolatopsis sp. atcc 39116
75 279 3tbcA Small laccase from streptomyces viridosporus t7a; alternate crystal form complexed with acetovanillone.
164 543 3sqrA Crystal structure of laccase from botrytis aclada at 1.67 a resolution
131 499 1kyaA Active laccase from trametes versicolor complexed with 2,5-xylidine
82 281 5o4qA Crystal structure of mutant m54l/m64l/m96l of two-domain laccase from streptomyces griseoflavus with 0.25 mm copper sulfate on growth medium
79 278 5o4iA Crystal structure of mutant m54l/m64l/m96l of two-domain laccase from streptomyces griseoflavus dialyzed against solution containing 0.25 mm copper sulfate
71 281 5o3kA Crystal structure of mutant m54l/m64l/m96l of two-domain laccase from streptomyces griseoflavus with 1 mm copper sulfate on growth medium
145 497 5nq7A Crystal structure of laccases from pycnoporus sanguineus, izoform i
142 497 5nq9A Crystal structure of laccases from pycnoporus sanguineus, izoform ii, monoclinic
136 499 5midA The study of the x-ray induced enzymatic reduction of molecular oxygen to water for laccase from steccherinum murashkinskyi.the 14-th structure of the series with total exposition time 393 min.
136 499 5mi1A The study of the x-ray induced enzymatic reduction of molecular oxygen to water for laccase from steccherinum murashkinskyi.the 9-th structure of the series with total exposition time 243 min.
137 499 5mhxA The study of the x-ray induced enzymatic reduction of molecular oxygen to water for laccase from steccherinum murashkinskyi.the sixth structure of the series with total exposition time 153 min.
128 439 5jrrA Crystal structure of native laccase from thermus thermophilus hb27
127 439 5k3kA Crystal structure of laccase from thermus thermophilus hb27 (cuso4, 20 min)
127 439 5k0dA Crystal structure of laccase from thermus thermophilus hb27 (cu(ii)-cyclophanes, 3 min)
126 439 5k15A Crystal structure of laccase from thermus thermophilus hb27 (cu2po, 8 min)