Found 1874 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: dna-directed rna polymerase ii subunit rpb1

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
49 185 8tugD Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (engaged state)
63 215 8tvqE Cryo-em structure of cpd stalled 10-subunit pol ii in complex with rad26
28 104 8tvqK Cryo-em structure of cpd stalled 10-subunit pol ii in complex with rad26
29 120 8tvyK Cryo-em structure of cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex with rad26 and elf1 (closed state)
2 46 8tvyL Cryo-em structure of cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex with rad26 and elf1 (closed state)
52 185 8tvwD Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 1)
64 266 8tvwC Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 1)
19 65 8tvwJ Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 1)
29 104 8tvwK Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 1)
17 65 8tvxJ Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 2)
13 117 8tvxI Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 2)
65 215 8tvwE Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 1)
18 65 8tvqJ Cryo-em structure of cpd stalled 10-subunit pol ii in complex with rad26
23 81 8tugF Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (engaged state)
22 146 8tvqH Cryo-em structure of cpd stalled 10-subunit pol ii in complex with rad26
62 266 8tvqC Cryo-em structure of cpd stalled 10-subunit pol ii in complex with rad26
21 171 8tvxG Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 2)
17 146 8tvpH Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (open state)
24 171 8tugG Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (engaged state)
21 81 8tvwF Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 1)
61 215 8tugE Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (engaged state)
10 122 8tvyI Cryo-em structure of cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex with rad26 and elf1 (closed state)
21 81 8tvpF Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (open state)
28 171 8tvyG Cryo-em structure of cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex with rad26 and elf1 (closed state)
63 215 8tvxE Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 2)
46 185 8tvpD Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (open state)
2 46 8tugL Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (engaged state)
26 171 8tvwG Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 1)
61 266 8tvxC Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 2)
15 65 8tugJ Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (engaged state)
98 434 8tvqM Cryo-em structure of cpd stalled 10-subunit pol ii in complex with rad26
19 146 8tvwH Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 1)
15 117 8tvwI Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 1)
19 81 8tvqF Cryo-em structure of cpd stalled 10-subunit pol ii in complex with rad26
3 46 8tvpL Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (open state)
3 46 8tvwL Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 1)
16 146 8tugH Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (engaged state)
11 117 8tvqI Cryo-em structure of cpd stalled 10-subunit pol ii in complex with rad26
65 266 8tugC Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (engaged state)
31 104 8tvxK Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 2)
13 70 8tvyJ Cryo-em structure of cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex with rad26 and elf1 (closed state)
157 612 8tvyM Cryo-em structure of cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex with rad26 and elf1 (closed state)
44 185 8tvxD Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 2)
23 81 8tvxF Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 2)
5 46 8tvqL Cryo-em structure of cpd stalled 10-subunit pol ii in complex with rad26
23 171 8tvpG Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (open state)
61 215 8tvpE Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (open state)
32 104 8tugK Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (engaged state)
17 117 8tugI Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii in complex with rad26 (engaged state)
20 146 8tvxH Cryo-em structure of cpd-stalled pol ii (conformation 2)