Found 664 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: mhc class i antigen

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
55 272 6a2bA Crystal structure of xenopus laevis mhc i complex
78 274 7ejnA Complex structure of hla-a*2402 with the peptide from hcov(cov-hku1) spike protein
79 274 7ejmA Complex structure of hla-a*2402 with the peptide from hcov(cov-229e) spike protein
73 274 7ejlA Complex structure of hla-a*2402 with the peptide from hcov(cov-2) spike protein
16 103 7ejmB Complex structure of hla-a*2402 with the peptide from hcov(cov-229e) spike protein
16 103 7ejlB Complex structure of hla-a*2402 with the peptide from hcov(cov-2) spike protein
15 106 7ejnB Complex structure of hla-a*2402 with the peptide from hcov(cov-hku1) spike protein
13 100 7dzmB Crystal structure of the cross-restricted t18a tcr and hlab8101 bound to hiv-1 gag tl9 peptide
53 241 7dznD Crystal structure of the cross-restricted t18a tcr and hlab4201 bound to hiv-1 gag tl9 peptide
67 278 7dzmA Crystal structure of the cross-restricted t18a tcr and hlab8101 bound to hiv-1 gag tl9 peptide
0 9 7dznC Crystal structure of the cross-restricted t18a tcr and hlab4201 bound to hiv-1 gag tl9 peptide
51 241 7dzmD Crystal structure of the cross-restricted t18a tcr and hlab8101 bound to hiv-1 gag tl9 peptide
39 201 7dzmE Crystal structure of the cross-restricted t18a tcr and hlab8101 bound to hiv-1 gag tl9 peptide
31 202 7dznE Crystal structure of the cross-restricted t18a tcr and hlab4201 bound to hiv-1 gag tl9 peptide
69 277 7dznA Crystal structure of the cross-restricted t18a tcr and hlab4201 bound to hiv-1 gag tl9 peptide
43 199 7duuD Crystal structure of hla molecule with an kir receptor
0 9 7duuC Crystal structure of hla molecule with an kir receptor
14 99 7dynB Phosphorylation of mhc i peptide
13 100 7dznB Crystal structure of the cross-restricted t18a tcr and hlab4201 bound to hiv-1 gag tl9 peptide
76 276 7dynA Phosphorylation of mhc i peptide
77 273 7duuA Crystal structure of hla molecule with an kir receptor
15 100 7duuB Crystal structure of hla molecule with an kir receptor
15 100 7cisB Peptide modification of mhc class i molecules
15 100 7cirB Peptide phosphorylation modification of mhc class i molecules
14 100 7ciqB Phosphorylation modification of mhc i polypeptide
69 276 7ciqA Phosphorylation modification of mhc i polypeptide
0 10 7cirC Peptide phosphorylation modification of mhc class i molecules
77 276 7cisA Peptide modification of mhc class i molecules
79 276 7cirA Peptide phosphorylation modification of mhc class i molecules
79 276 8ek5A Engineered scfv 10lh bound to phox2b/hla-a24:02
0 9 8ek5C Engineered scfv 10lh bound to phox2b/hla-a24:02
14 100 8sbkB Structure of hla-a*24:02 in complex with peptide, lylpvrvli (atg2a).
0 9 8sblC Structure of hla-a*24:02 in complex with peptide, lylpvrvli
14 100 8sblB Structure of hla-a*24:02 in complex with peptide, lylpvrvli
14 99 8ek5B Engineered scfv 10lh bound to phox2b/hla-a24:02
63 247 8ek5E Engineered scfv 10lh bound to phox2b/hla-a24:02
73 275 8sbkA Structure of hla-a*24:02 in complex with peptide, lylpvrvli (atg2a).
62 276 8sblA Structure of hla-a*24:02 in complex with peptide, lylpvrvli
84 277 7wt5A Crystal structure of hla-a*2450 complexed with 8-mer model peptide
84 277 7wt4A Crystal structure of hla-a*2402 complexed with 8-mer influenza pb1 peptide
14 100 7wt3B Crystal structure of hla-a*2402 complexed with 4-mer lipopeptide
14 100 7wt5B Crystal structure of hla-a*2450 complexed with 8-mer model peptide
14 100 7wt4B Crystal structure of hla-a*2402 complexed with 8-mer influenza pb1 peptide
82 277 7wt3A Crystal structure of hla-a*2402 complexed with 4-mer lipopeptide
14 100 7r7wB Crystal structure of hla-b*5301 complex with an hiv-1 gag-derived epitope qw9 s3t variant
15 100 7r7xB Crystal structure of hla-b*5701 complex with an hiv-1 gag-derived epitope qw9
77 276 7r7wA Crystal structure of hla-b*5301 complex with an hiv-1 gag-derived epitope qw9 s3t variant
75 277 7r7xA Crystal structure of hla-b*5701 complex with an hiv-1 gag-derived epitope qw9
46 243 7r80B Crystal structure of c3 tcr complex with qw9-bound hla-b*5301
78 276 7r7vA Crystal structure of hla-b*5301 complex with an hiv-1 gag-derived epitope qw9