Found 860 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: hydrolase/dna

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
39 218 8d3pI Type i-c cas4-cas1-cas2 complex bound to half-site integration intermediate (hsi)
17 98 8d3qE Type i-c cas4-cas1-cas2 complex bound to a pam/nopam prespacer
13 100 8d3pE Type i-c cas4-cas1-cas2 complex bound to half-site integration intermediate (hsi)
43 218 8d3qI Type i-c cas4-cas1-cas2 complex bound to a pam/nopam prespacer
97 343 8d3mA Type i-c cas4-cas1-cas2 complex bound to a pam/processed prespacer
98 343 8d3lA Type i-c cas4-cas1-cas2 complex bound to a pam/pam prespacer
39 218 8d3lI Type i-c cas4-cas1-cas2 complex bound to a pam/pam prespacer
15 98 8d3mE Type i-c cas4-cas1-cas2 complex bound to a pam/processed prespacer
119 386 7n3yA Crystal structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae apn2 catalytic domain e59q/d222n mutant in complex with dna
87 276 7svbA Ape1 exonuclease substrate complex with 8oxog opposite c
92 276 7suvA Ape1 exonuclease substrate complex with 8oxog opposite a
60 264 7ut1A Higher-order assembly of multiple mmtv strand transfer complex intasomes
63 265 7usfA Mouse mammary tumor virus strand transfer complex intasome
67 227 7tqqA Structure of human trex1-dna complex
65 232 7n8sA Line-1 endonuclease domain complex with dna
63 232 7n94A Line-1 endonuclease domain complex with dna
289 1121 7mr3C Cryo-em structure of recbcd-dna complex with docked recbnuc and stabilized recd
266 1121 7mr4C Cryo-em structure of recbcd-dna complex with undocked recbnuc and flexible recd
282 1170 7mr3B Cryo-em structure of recbcd-dna complex with docked recbnuc and stabilized recd
231 865 7mr4B Cryo-em structure of recbcd-dna complex with undocked recbnuc and flexible recd
32 123 7mr4D Cryo-em structure of recbcd-dna complex with undocked recbnuc and flexible recd
145 605 7mr3D Cryo-em structure of recbcd-dna complex with docked recbnuc and stabilized recd
81 289 7lw9A Human exonuclease 5 crystal structure in complex with ssdna, sm, and na
77 288 7lwaA Human exonuclease 5 crystal structure (t88e) in complex with ssdna and mg
75 287 7lw8A Human exonuclease 5 crystal structure in complex with a ssdna
117 345 7coaA Ternary complex of dna polymerase mu with 1-nt gapped dna (t:dgmpnpp) and mn
124 344 7co8A Ternary complex of dna polymerase mu with 2-nt gapped dna (t:dgmpnpp)
117 344 7codA Post insertion complex of dna polymerase mu (k438a/q441a) with 1-nt gapped dna
115 345 7co9A Ternary complex of dna polymerase mu with 1-nt gapped dna (t:dgmpnpp) and mg
114 345 7cobA Ternary complex of dna polymerase mu (q441a) with 1-nt gapped dna (t:dgmpnpp)
113 345 7co6A Binary complex of dna polymerase mu with 1-nt gapped dna (templating thymine)
116 344 7cocA Ternary complex of dna polymerase mu (k438a/q441a) with 1-nt gapped dna (t:dgmpnpp)
326 1028 7lo5A Cryoem structure drdv-dna complex
285 1028 7lvvA Cryoem structure drdv-dna complex
106 395 7k32A Crystal structure of endonuclease q complex with 27-mer duplex substrate with an abasic lesion at the active site
127 395 7k30A Crystal structure of endonuclease q complex with 27-mer duplex substrate with du at the active site
111 395 7k33A Crystal structure of endonuclease q complex with 27-mer duplex substrate with an abasic lesion at the active site
123 395 7k31A Crystal structure of endonuclease q complex with 27-mer duplex substrate with di at the active site
86 277 7cd6A Mape1-recessed dsdna product complex
87 278 7cd5A Mape1-blunt-ended dsdna product complex
96 365 6wmcA Crystal structure of a soluble variant of full-length human apobec3g (ph 9.0)
104 365 6wmaA Crystal structure of a soluble variant of full-length human apobec3g (ph 7.6)
96 365 6wmbA Crystal structure of a soluble variant of full-length human apobec3g (ph 8.0)
97 435 6p4fA Crystal structure of the xpb-bax1-forked dna ternary complex
83 373 6p4fB Crystal structure of the xpb-bax1-forked dna ternary complex
39 149 6p7bA Crystal structure of fowlpox virus resolvase and substrate holliday junction dna complex
39 167 6lctA Crystal structure of catalytic inactive chloroplast resolvase ntmoc1 in complex with holliday junction
56 217 6l2oA Crystal structure of the r.pabi(y68f-k154a)-dsdna(gtac-5bp-gtac) complex
54 216 6m3lA Crystal structure of the r.pabi(y68f-k154a)-dsdna(nonspecific) complex
51 217 6l2nA Crystal structure of the r.pabi(y68f-k154a)-dsdna(gtac-3bp-gtac) complex