Found 15448 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: immune system

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
40 207 8zckA Serial femtosecond crystallography structure of fc fragment of human igg1 from biosimilar vegf-trap
13 34 8wxem Vgamma5vdelta1 eh tcr-cd3 complex
16 121 8jcbE Vgamma5 vdelta1 t cell receptor complex
16 100 8rnhB Crystal structure of hla b*18:01 in complex with eeieitthf, an 9-mer epitope from influenza a
24 70 8vspC Cryo-em structure of human invariant chain in complex with hla-dq
13 105 8jc0d V gamma9 v delta2 tcr and cd3 complex in lmng
25 190 8sm2C Crystal structure of the macaque fcalphari bound to macaque iga fc.
80 276 8rngA Crystal structure of hla b*18:01 in complex with tevetyvl, an 8-mer epitope from influenza a
145 911 8uh2B Complex of c3b with the inhibitor albicin
51 211 8yx1B Cd40 in complex with bleselumab fab
12 30 8wyia T cell receptor delta 2 gamma 9 with tcrd tm domain chimera of trac
5 31 8jcbA Vgamma5 vdelta1 t cell receptor complex
10 28 8wxea Vgamma5vdelta1 eh tcr-cd3 complex
93 641 8uinA Structure of the c3bbb-albicin complex
40 215 8yx9B Cd40 in complex with dacetuzumab fab
37 116 8uh2C Complex of c3b with the inhibitor albicin
16 100 8rooC Crystal structure of hla b*18:01 in complex with yermcnil, an 8-mer epitope from influenza a
15 56 8vrwC Cryo-em structure of human invariant chain in complex with hla-dr15
46 220 8vspA Cryo-em structure of human invariant chain in complex with hla-dq
13 115 8jcbG Vgamma5 vdelta1 t cell receptor complex
25 203 8jbvM Extracellular domain of gamma delta tcr
18 121 8wyie T cell receptor delta 2 gamma 9 with tcrd tm domain chimera of trac
14 34 8jc0m V gamma9 v delta2 tcr and cd3 complex in lmng
11 37 8jc0n V gamma9 v delta2 tcr and cd3 complex in lmng
10 31 8jc0a V gamma9 v delta2 tcr and cd3 complex in lmng
91 642 8uh2A Complex of c3b with the inhibitor albicin
21 165 8yx9A Cd40 in complex with dacetuzumab fab
38 268 8jcbM Vgamma5 vdelta1 t cell receptor complex
13 37 8wxen Vgamma5vdelta1 eh tcr-cd3 complex
17 105 8wy0d T cell receptor delta 2 gamma 9 with f283a, f290a, and f291a
14 105 8wxed Vgamma5vdelta1 eh tcr-cd3 complex
14 105 8yc0d T cell receptor v delta2 v gamma9 in gdn
14 115 8yc0g T cell receptor v delta2 v gamma9 in gdn
17 121 8yc0e T cell receptor v delta2 v gamma9 in gdn
157 911 8uinB Structure of the c3bbb-albicin complex
160 631 8jyxA Crystal structure of the gasdermin-like protein rcd-1-1 from neurospora crassa
37 116 8uinC Structure of the c3bbb-albicin complex
45 228 8uinJ Structure of the c3bbb-albicin complex
13 105 8jcbD Vgamma5 vdelta1 t cell receptor complex
28 180 8vrwA Cryo-em structure of human invariant chain in complex with hla-dr15
18 121 8wy0e T cell receptor delta 2 gamma 9 with f283a, f290a, and f291a
15 106 8wyid T cell receptor delta 2 gamma 9 with tcrd tm domain chimera of trac
35 278 8jcbN Vgamma5 vdelta1 t cell receptor complex
11 29 8wy0a T cell receptor delta 2 gamma 9 with f283a, f290a, and f291a
0 8 8rngC Crystal structure of hla b*18:01 in complex with tevetyvl, an 8-mer epitope from influenza a
79 276 8rooA Crystal structure of hla b*18:01 in complex with yermcnil, an 8-mer epitope from influenza a
39 221 8yx1A Cd40 in complex with bleselumab fab
15 37 8yc0n T cell receptor v delta2 v gamma9 in gdn
412 1364 8t7sA Sprymer bound to nac pam dna
370 1364 8spqA Spry-cas9:grna complex targeting tgg pam dna