Found 7421 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: signaling protein

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
36 97 8j5iB Malt1 death domain
176 516 8thpA Porx phosphatase null mutant (t271v)
194 516 8tefA Porx primitive monoclinic crystal form
194 516 8tedA Porx primitive orthorhombic crystal form
193 517 8tffA Porx with bef3 phosphate analog
179 516 8tfmA Porx with zn (primitive orthorhombic crystal form)
357 1614 8tuaA Full-length p-rex1 in complex with inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate (ip4)
21 102 8rdsA Cereblon isoform 4 from magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense in complex with spiro-isoxazol based compound 8i
72 351 8iz4A Lysophosphatidylserine receptor gpr34-gi complex
22 102 8rdtA Cereblon isoform 4 from magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense in complex with spiro-isoxazol based compound 8j
95 342 8iz4B Lysophosphatidylserine receptor gpr34-gi complex
22 107 8rdpA Cereblon isoform 4 from magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense in complex with spiro-isoxazol based compound 8a
55 247 8iz4E Lysophosphatidylserine receptor gpr34-gi complex
111 290 8iz4R Lysophosphatidylserine receptor gpr34-gi complex
14 57 8iz4C Lysophosphatidylserine receptor gpr34-gi complex
22 108 8rdrA Cereblon isoform 4 from magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense in complex with spiro-isoxazol based compound 8g
38 308 8tldF Structure of the il-5 signaling complex
22 103 8rdqA Cereblon isoform 4 from magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense in complex with spiro-isoxazol based compound 8b
30 107 8tldC Structure of the il-5 signaling complex
12 97 8tldB Structure of the il-5 signaling complex
339 1057 8sl4A Dimeric form of human adenylyl cyclase 5
249 1056 8sobA Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with adp
199 1040 8sodA Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with adp and two gbetagamma subunits in state 1
218 1056 8soaA Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with atp
204 1040 8soeA Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with adp and two gbetagamma subunits in state 2
242 1056 8so9A Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma
201 1041 8socA Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with adp and gbetagamma
56 351 8vy9A Cryoem structure of ggust-coupled tas2r14 with cholesterol and an intracellular tastant
67 339 8sl3B Human adenylyl cyclase 5 in complex with gbg
44 246 8vy9D Cryoem structure of ggust-coupled tas2r14 with cholesterol and an intracellular tastant
73 339 8socC Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with adp and gbetagamma
2 62 8x8tB Nmr structure of p75ntr juxtamembrane domain in complex with rhogdi n-terminal domain containing a phosphorylation-mimicking s34d mutation
130 866 8socB Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with adp and gbetagamma
211 838 8sl3A Human adenylyl cyclase 5 in complex with gbg
128 867 8soaB Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with atp
62 350 8vy7A Cryoem structure of gi-coupled tas2r14 with cholesterol and an intracellular tastant
12 55 8vy7C Cryoem structure of gi-coupled tas2r14 with cholesterol and an intracellular tastant
9 50 8vy9C Cryoem structure of ggust-coupled tas2r14 with cholesterol and an intracellular tastant
139 867 8sobB Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with adp
113 303 8vy9R Cryoem structure of ggust-coupled tas2r14 with cholesterol and an intracellular tastant
92 295 8r7gA Crystal structure of the kinase domain of acvr1 (alk2) with m4k2234
76 338 8vy9B Cryoem structure of ggust-coupled tas2r14 with cholesterol and an intracellular tastant
117 302 8vy7R Cryoem structure of gi-coupled tas2r14 with cholesterol and an intracellular tastant
126 865 8soeB Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with adp and two gbetagamma subunits in state 2
127 867 8so9B Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma
132 865 8sodB Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with adp and two gbetagamma subunits in state 1
15 64 8soeD Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with adp and two gbetagamma subunits in state 2
15 64 8sodD Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with adp and two gbetagamma subunits in state 1
16 64 8socG Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with adp and gbetagamma
74 339 8soeC Phosphoinositide phosphate 3 kinase gamma bound with adp and two gbetagamma subunits in state 2