Found 821 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Ribosomal_S9

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
65 325 6zsfAG Human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with mrna and p/e-trna
24 127 7md71i Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with triphenylphosphonium analog of chloramphenicol cam-c4-tpp and protein y (yfia) at 2.80a resolution
14 127 7d80J Molecular model of the cryo-em structure of 70s ribosome in complex with peptide deformylase, trigger factor, and methionine aminopeptidase
34 141 7b7dF Yeast 80s ribosome bound to eef3 and a/a- and p/p-trnas
33 125 6ke6SR 3.4 angstrom cryo-em structure of yeast 90s small subunit preribosome
26 127 6vyuO Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex c2 (ttc-c2) containing a 27 nt long mrna spacer
20 127 6xqe1i Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with sarecycline, uaa-mrna, and deacylated p-site trna at 3.00a resolution
25 127 6xqd1i Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with sarecycline, uuc-mrna, and deacylated p-site trna at 2.80a resolution
26 127 6vyrO Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex a1 (ttc-a1) containing an 18 nt long mrna spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
26 127 6vywO Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex c3 (ttc-c3) containing mrna with a 27 nt long spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
26 127 6vz2O Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex d1 (ttc-d1) containing mrna with a 27 nt long spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
26 127 6x7fO Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli coupled transcription-translation complex b2 (ttc-b2) containing an mrna with a 24 nt long spacer, transcription factors nusa and nusg, and fmet-trnas at p-site and e-site
66 327 6vmiAG Structure of the human mitochondrial ribosome-ef-g1 complex (classiii)
26 127 6x6tO Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli coupled transcription-translation complex b1 (ttc-b1) containing an mrna with a 24 nt long spacer, transcription factors nusa and nusg, and fmet-trnas at p-site and e-site
26 127 6vzjO Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex a1 (ttc-a1) containing mrna with a 15 nt long spacer, fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site, and lacking transcription factor nusg
26 127 6vysO Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex a1 (ttc-a1) containing a 21 nt long mrna spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
26 127 6vu3O Cryo-em structure of escherichia coli transcription-translation complex a (ttc-a) containing mrna with a 12 nt long spacer
26 127 6vz7O Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex c1 (ttc-c1) containing a 27 nt long mrna spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at p-site and e-site
26 127 6vyyO Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex c5 (ttc-c5) containing mrna with a 21 nt long spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
26 127 6vytO Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex a2 (ttc-a2) containing a 15 nt long mrna spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at p-site and e-site
26 127 6x9qO Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli coupled transcription-translation complex b3 (ttc-b3) containing an mrna with a 27 nt long spacer, transcription factors nusa and nusg, and fmet-trnas at p-site and e-site
26 127 6vyxO Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex c4 (ttc-c4) containing mrna with a 21 nt long spacer, transcription factor nusg, and fmet-trnas at p-site and e-site
26 127 6vyqO Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex a1 (ttc-a1) containing an 15 nt long mrna spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
26 127 6vyzO Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex c6 (ttc-c6) containing mrna with a 21 nt long spacer, nusa, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
26 127 6vz5O Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex d3 (ttc-d3) containing mrna with a 21 nt long spacer, nusg, and fmet-trnas at e-site and p-site
70 327 6vlzAG Structure of the human mitochondrial ribosome-ef-g1 complex (classi)
26 127 6vz3O Escherichia coli transcription-translation complex d2 (ttc-d2) containing mrna with a 27 nt long spacer
28 141 6zvkB3 The halastavi arva virus (halv) intergenic region ires promotes translation by the simplest possible initiation mechanism
13 125 7jiln 70s ribosome flavobacterium johnsoniae
34 125 7ajtDQ Cryo-em structure of the 90s-exosome super-complex (state pre-a1-exosome)
19 127 7jt1N 70s ribosome stalled on long mrna with arfb-1 and arfb-2 bound (+9-iii)
60 326 7a5gG6 Structure of the elongating human mitoribosome bound to mtef-tu.gmppcp and a/t mt-trna
32 140 6zxfQ Cryo-em structure of a late human pre-40s ribosomal subunit - state g
27 127 6xhy1i Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with telithromycin, mrna, aminoacylated a- and p-site trnas, and deacylated e-site trna at 2.60a resolution
26 127 6xhv1i Crystal structure of the a2058-dimethylated thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with mrna, aminoacylated a- and p-site trnas, and deacylated e-site trna at 2.40a resolution
50 326 7a5iG6 Structure of the human mitoribosome with a- p-and e-site mt-trnas
21 142 7jqcR Sars-cov-2 nsp1, crpv ires and rabbit 40s ribosome complex
28 139 6zxdQ Cryo-em structure of a late human pre-40s ribosomal subunit - state f1
35 140 6zxhQ Cryo-em structure of a late human pre-40s ribosomal subunit - state h2
23 141 6zu9H Structure of a yeast abce1-bound 48s initiation complex
28 139 6zxeQ Cryo-em structure of a late human pre-40s ribosomal subunit - state f2
52 247 6yw5II The structure of the small subunit of the mitoribosome from neurospora crassa
48 247 6ywyII The structure of the mitoribosome from neurospora crassa with bound trna at the p-site
35 140 6zxgQ Cryo-em structure of a late human pre-40s ribosomal subunit - state h1
48 247 6ywxII The structure of the mitoribosome from neurospora crassa with trna bound to the e-site
46 247 6yweII The structure of the mitoribosome from neurospora crassa in the p/e trna bound state
20 127 6w77I 30s-inactivated-high-mg2+ class a
29 127 6xzaI1 E. coli 70s ribosome in complex with dirithromycin, and deacylated trna(imet) (focused classification).
45 326 7a5fG6 Structure of the stalled human mitoribosome with p- and e-site mt-trnas
33 125 7ajuDQ Cryo-em structure of the 90s-exosome super-complex (state post-a1-exosome)