Found 195 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 151 - 195. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Alpha-1-antitrypsin; domain 1

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
105 385 1ovaC Crystal structure of uncleaved ovalbumin at 1.95 angstroms resolution
113 374 1oc0A Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 complex with somatomedin b domain of vitronectin
118 426 1nq9I Crystal structure of antithrombin in the pentasaccharide-bound intermediate state
89 320 1mtpA The x-ray crystal structure of a serpin from a thermophilic prokaryote
94 329 1lq8A Crystal structure of cleaved protein c inhibitor
58 245 1m93B 1.65 a structure of cleaved viral serpin crma
113 427 1lk6I Structure of dimeric antithrombin complexed with a p14-p9 reactive loop peptide and an exogenous tripeptide
116 379 1lj5A 1.8a resolution structure of latent plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(pai-1)
35 375 1kctA Alpha1-antitrypsin
102 385 1jtiA Loop-inserted structure of p1-p1' cleaved ovalbumin mutant r339t
88 376 1k9oI Crystal structure of michaelis serpin-trypsin complex
104 381 1jrrA Human plasminogen activator inhibitor-2.[loop (66-98) deletionmutant] complexed with peptide mimicking the reactive center loop
113 427 1jvqI Crystal structure at 2.6a of the ternary complex between antithrombin, a p14-p8 reactive loop peptide, and an exogenous tetrapeptide
98 376 1hp7A A 2.1 angstrom structure of an uncleaved alpha-1-antitrypsin shows variability of the reactive center and other loops
102 344 1hleA Crystal structure of cleaved equine leucocyte elastase inhibitor determined at 1.95 angstroms resolution
125 420 1jmjA Crystal structure of native heparin cofactor ii
128 427 1jmoA Crystal structure of the heparin cofactor ii-s195a thrombin complex
48 261 1jjoC Crystal structure of mouse neuroserpin (cleaved form)
95 335 1ezxA Crystal structure of a serpin:protease complex
79 305 1f0cA Structure of the viral serpin crma
111 427 1e04I Plasma beta antithrombin-iii
115 379 1dvnA Latent form of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (pai-1)
104 428 1dzgI N135q-s380c-antithrombin-iii
109 424 1dzgL N135q-s380c-antithrombin-iii
113 376 1dvmA Active form of human pai-1
110 428 1dzhI P14-fluorescein-n135q-s380c-antithrombin-iii
110 429 1e05I Plasma alpha antithrombin-iii
119 426 1e03I Plasma alpha antithrombin-iii and pentasaccharide
106 424 1dzhL P14-fluorescein-n135q-s380c-antithrombin-iii
87 334 1d5sA Crystal structure of cleaved antitrypsin polymer
114 377 1db2A Crystal structure of native plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
70 300 1c8oA 2.9 a structure of cleaved viral serpin crma
95 425 1br8I Implications for function and therapy of a 2.9a structure of binary-complexed antithrombin
104 379 1c5gA Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
96 371 1iz2A Interactions causing the kinetic trap in serpin protein folding
114 381 1by7A Human plasminogen activator inhibitor-2. loop (66-98) deletion mutant
53 374 1atuA Uncleaved alpha-1-antitrypsin
103 336 1as4A Cleaved antichymotrypsin a349r
115 425 1athA The intact and cleaved human antithrombin iii complex as a model for serpin-proteinase interactions
125 430 1azxI Antithrombin/pentasaccharide complex
121 429 1attA Crystal structure of cleaved bovine antithrombin iii at 3.2 angstroms resolution
101 373 1b3kA Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
98 420 1antI Biological implications of a 3 angstroms structure of dimeric antithrombin
101 383 1imvA 2.85 a crystal structure of pedf
107 378 1a7cA Human plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 in complex with a pentapeptide