Found 281 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 151 - 200. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Defensin A-like

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
119 383 2qwnA Crystal structure of disulfide-bond-crosslinked complex of bovine hsc70 (1-386aa)r171c and bovine auxilin (810-910aa)d876c in the adp*pi state
5 40 2ny8X Nmr structure of antibacterial defensin def-aaa from the insect anopheles gambiae
7 53 2ly6A Refined solution structure of recombinant brazzein at low temperature
12 51 2m8bB Solution structure of ahpdf1 from arabidopsis halleri
12 47 2lr3A Solution structure of the anti-fungal defensin def4 (mtr_8g070770) from medicago truncatula (barrel clover)
11 66 2li7A Solution structure of cssii
12 57 2mn5A Nmr structure of copsin
10 53 2ly5A Refined solution structure of recombinant brazzein
5 82 2ljmA Solution structure of cssii
6 41 2ny9X Nmr structure of def-abb, a mutant of anopheles defensin def-aaa
10 54 2n2qA Nmr solution structure of hsafp1
181 600 2khoA Nmr-rdc / xray structure of e. coli hsp70 (dnak) chaperone (1-605) complexed with adp and substrate
24 75 2ln8A The solution structure of theromacin
10 64 2kbkA Solution structure of bmk-m10
10 66 2kjaA Chemical shift assignments, constraints, and coordinates for cn5 scorpion toxin
5 71 2kskA Solution structure of sugarcane defensin 5
10 66 2kbhA Solution structure of bmkalphatx11 (major conformation)
7 108 2kpyA Solution structure of the major allergen of artemisia vulgaris (art v 1)
7 53 2kyqA 1h, 15n, 13c chemical shifts and structure of ckr-brazzein
8 54 2n66A Nmr structure of sweeter mutant (d40k) of sweet protein brazzein,
5 67 2mbkA The clip-segment of the von willebrand domain 1 of the bmp modulator protein crossveinless 2 is preformed
7 42 2lt8A Eurocin solution structure
3 47 2lj7A 3d solution structure of plant defensin lc-def
21 60 2k35A Hydramacin-1: structure and antibacterial activity of a peptide from the basal metazoan hydra
8 55 2mz0A Solution nmr structure of pdfl2.1 from arabidopsis thaliana
9 66 2lkbA Evolutionary diversification of mesobuthus alpha-scorpion toxins affecting sodium channels
11 51 2n2rA Nmr solution structure of rsafp2
8 53 2kgqA Refined solution structure of des-pyro glu brazzein
6 56 2n69A Nmr structure of non-sweet mutant (ins18ri19) of sweet protein brazzein
9 66 2kbjA Solution structure of bmkalphatx11 (minor conformation)
9 69 2jdqD C-terminal domain of influenza a virus polymerase pb2 subunit in complex with human importin alpha5
15 62 2i61A Depressant anti-insect neurotoxin, lqhit2 from leiurus quinquestriatus hebraeus
5 75 2gmoA Nmr-structure of an independently folded c-terminal domain of influenza polymerase subunit pb2
12 47 2gl1A Nmr solution structure of vigna radiata defensin 2 (vrd2)
18 156 2g2kA Nmr structure of an n-terminal fragment of the eukaryotic initiation factor 5 (eif5)
7 43 2e3fA Nmr structure of def-bat, a mutant of anopheles defensin def-aaa
117 381 2e88A Crystal structure of the human hsp70 atpase domain in the apo form
4 40 2e3gA Nmr structure of def-daa, a mutant of anopheles defensin def-aaa
127 380 2e8aA Crystal structure of the human hsp70 atpase domain in complex with amp-pnp
19 64 2e0hA Solution structure of bmkalphait01, an alpha-insect toxin from the venom of the chinese scorpion buthus martensi karsch
5 41 2e2fA Solution structure of dsp
10 53 2d56A Solution structure of asabf, antibacterial peptide isolated from a nematode, ascaris suum
122 378 2bupA T13g mutant of the atpase fragment of bovine hsc70
7 54 2brzA Solution nmr structure of the sweet protein brazzein, minimized average structure
14 65 2atbA Triple mutant 8d9d10v of scorpion toxin lqh-alpha-it
15 65 2ascA Scorpion toxin lqh-alpha-it
10 64 2b3cA Solution structure of a beta-neurotoxin from the new world scorpion centruroides sculpturatus ewing
6 43 2b68A Solution structure of the recombinant crassostrea gigas defensin
15 64 1zu3A Crystal structure of mutant k8a of scorpion alpha-like neurotoxin bmk m1 from buthus martensii karsch
18 66 1zutA Crystal structure of mutant k8dp9sr58k of scorpion alpha-like neurotoxin bmk m1 from buthus martensii karsch