Found 195 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 151 - 195. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: RNA Polymerase Alpha Subunit; Chain A, domain 2

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
38 224 4lk0A Crystal structure analysis of the e.coli holoenzyme/t7 gp2 complex
53 323 4kn4A X-ray crystal structure of the escherichia coli rna polymerase in complex with benzoxazinorifamycin-2b
47 323 4jk1A X-ray crystal structure of escherichia coli sigma70 holoenzyme in complex with guanosine tetraphosphate (ppgpp)
14 86 3lywA Crystal structure of ybbr family protein dhaf_0833 from desulfitobacterium hafniense dcb-2. northeast structural genomics consortium target id dhr29b
49 266 3k7aC Crystal structure of an rna polymerase ii-tfiib complex
52 264 3hkzD The x-ray crystal structure of rna polymerase from archaea
32 263 3h0gC Rna polymerase ii from schizosaccharomyces pombe
38 267 3fkiC 12-subunit rna polymerase ii refined with zn-sad data
40 229 3eqlA Crystal structure of the t. thermophilus rna polymerase holoenzyme in complex with antibiotic myxopyronin
48 231 3dxjA Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus rna polymerase holoenzyme in complex with the antibiotic myxopyronin
58 265 3cqzC Crystal structure of 10 subunit rna polymerase ii in complex with the inhibitor alpha-amanitin
49 263 2y0sD Crystal structure of sulfolobus shibatae rna polymerase in p21 space group
48 263 2wb1D The complete structure of the archaeal 13-subunit dna-directed rna polymerase
43 263 2waqD The complete structure of the archaeal 13-subunit dna-directed rna polymerase
63 264 2pa8D X-ray crystal structure of the d/l subcomplex of the sulfolobus solfataricus rna polymerase
3 96 2l5nA Nmr structure of ybbr family protein dhaf_0833 (residues 32-118) from desulfitobacterium hafniense dcb-2: northeast structural genomics consortium target dhr29b
61 266 2nvyC Rna polymerase ii form ii in 150 mm mn+2
15 119 2kq1A Solution structure of protein bh0266 from bacillus halodurans. northeast structural genomics consortium target bhr97a
5 98 2l3uA Solution structure of domain iv from the ybbr family protein of desulfitobacterium hafniense: northeast structural genomics consortium target dhr29a
12 96 2kpuA Nmr structure of ybbr family protein dhaf_0833 (residues 32-118) from desulfitobacterium hafniense dcb-2: northeast structural genomics consortium target dhr29b
10 100 2kxyA Solution structure of sur18c from streptococcus thermophilus. northeast structural genomics consortium target sur18c
36 229 2cw0A Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus rna polymerase holoenzyme at 3.3 angstroms resolution
42 229 2be5A Crystal structure of the t. thermophilus rna polymerase holoenzyme in complex with inhibitor tagetitoxin
40 229 2a6eA Crystal structure of the t. thermophilus rna polymerase holoenzyme
40 229 2a69A Crystal structure of the t. thermophilus rna polymerase holoenzyme in complex with antibiotic rifapentin
42 229 2a6hA Crystal structure of the t. thermophilus rna polymerase holoenzyme in complex with antibiotic sterptolydigin
42 229 2a68A Crystal structure of the t. thermophilus rna polymerase holoenzyme in complex with antibiotic rifabutin
35 229 1zyrA Structure of thermus thermophilus rna polymerase holoenzyme in complex with the antibiotic streptolydigin
39 230 1ynnA Taq rna polymerase-rifampicin complex
43 230 1ynjA Taq rna polymerase-sorangicin complex
49 266 1y1vC Refined rna polymerase ii-tfiis complex
41 266 1wcmC Complete 12-subunit rna polymerase ii at 3.8 angstrom
57 266 1twaC Rna polymerase ii complexed with atp
57 266 1twcC Rna polymerase ii complexed with gtp
56 266 1twfC Rna polymerase ii complexed with utp at 2.3 a resolution
57 266 1twhC Rna polymerase ii complexed with 2'datp
55 266 1twgC Rna polymerase ii complexed with ctp
40 229 1smyA Structural basis for transcription regulation by alarmone ppgpp
59 266 1k83C Crystal structure of yeast rna polymerase ii complexed with the inhibitor alpha amanitin
31 223 1hqmA Crystal structure of thermus aquaticus core rna polymerase-includes complete structure with side-chains (except for disordered regions)-further refined from original deposition-contains additional sequence information
59 266 1i50C Rna polymerase ii crystal form ii at 2.8 a resolution
54 266 1i3qC Rna polymerase ii crystal form i at 3.1 a resolution
33 224 1i6vA Thermus aquaticus core rna polymerase-rifampicin complex
40 229 1iw7A Crystal structure of the rna polymerase holoenzyme from thermus thermophilus at 2.6a resolution
43 231 1bdfA Structure of escherichia coli rna polymerase alpha subunit n-terminal domain