Found 244 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 151 - 200. Applied filters: Proteins

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Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
262 733 7dz7B State transition supercomplex psi-lhci-lhcii from double phosphatase mutant pph1;pbcp of green alga chlamydomonas reinhardtii
259 741 7dz7A State transition supercomplex psi-lhci-lhcii from double phosphatase mutant pph1;pbcp of green alga chlamydomonas reinhardtii
255 733 7dz8B State transition supercomplex psi-lhci-lhcii from the lhcbm1 lacking mutant of chlamydomonas reinhardtii
252 741 7dz8A State transition supercomplex psi-lhci-lhcii from the lhcbm1 lacking mutant of chlamydomonas reinhardtii
10 80 7dz8C State transition supercomplex psi-lhci-lhcii from the lhcbm1 lacking mutant of chlamydomonas reinhardtii
9 80 7dz7C State transition supercomplex psi-lhci-lhcii from double phosphatase mutant pph1;pbcp of green alga chlamydomonas reinhardtii
10 80 6zooC Photosystem i reduced plastocyanin complex
222 726 7dwqA Photosystem i from a chlorophyll d-containing cyanobacterium acaryochloris marina
10 80 7dwqC Photosystem i from a chlorophyll d-containing cyanobacterium acaryochloris marina
243 713 7coyaA Structure of the far-red light utilizing photosystem i of acaryochloris marina
14 80 7dkzC Structure of plant photosystem i-light harvesting complex i supercomplex
9 80 7coyaC Structure of the far-red light utilizing photosystem i of acaryochloris marina
257 743 7bw2A Crystal structure of cyanobacterial psi monomer from t.elongatus at 6.5 a resolution
9 80 7bw2C Crystal structure of cyanobacterial psi monomer from t.elongatus at 6.5 a resolution
254 739 7bw2B Crystal structure of cyanobacterial psi monomer from t.elongatus at 6.5 a resolution
9 80 7d0jC Photosystem i-lhci-lhcii of chlamydomonas reinhardtii
163 745 6lu1A Cyanobacterial psi monomer from t. elongatus by single particle cryo-em at 3.2 a resolution
148 739 6lu1B Cyanobacterial psi monomer from t. elongatus by single particle cryo-em at 3.2 a resolution
237 740 7d0jA Photosystem i-lhci-lhcii of chlamydomonas reinhardtii
218 734 7d0jB Photosystem i-lhci-lhcii of chlamydomonas reinhardtii
11 80 6ly5c Organization and energy transfer in a huge diatom psi-fcpi supercomplex
235 730 6yxrB Dunaliella minimal photosystem i
214 739 6yxrA Dunaliella minimal photosystem i
241 739 6k33aB Structure of psi-isia supercomplex from thermosynechococcus vulcanus
238 745 6k33aA Structure of psi-isia supercomplex from thermosynechococcus vulcanus
10 80 6k33aC Structure of psi-isia supercomplex from thermosynechococcus vulcanus
10 80 6yxrC Dunaliella minimal photosystem i
220 733 6sl5B Dunaliella photosystem i supercomplex
226 740 6sl5A Dunaliella photosystem i supercomplex
10 80 6sl5C Dunaliella photosystem i supercomplex
1 80 1k0tA Nmr solution structure of unbound, oxidized photosystem i subunit psac, containing [4fe-4s] clusters fa and fb
249 750 6hqbA Monomeric cyanobacterial photosystem i
232 731 6hqbB Monomeric cyanobacterial photosystem i
11 80 6hqbC Monomeric cyanobacterial photosystem i
218 741 5zgbA Cryo-em structure of the red algal psi-lhcr
9 80 5zgbC Cryo-em structure of the red algal psi-lhcr
260 743 5l8rA The structure of plant photosystem i super-complex at 2.6 angstrom resolution.
186 724 6fosB Cyanidioschyzon merolae photosystem i
193 740 6fosA Cyanidioschyzon merolae photosystem i
9 80 6fosC Cyanidioschyzon merolae photosystem i
213 731 5zgbB Cryo-em structure of the red algal psi-lhcr
220 741 5zghA Cryo-em structure of the red algal psi-lhcr
262 743 5zf0A1 X-ray structure of the electron transfer complex between ferredoxin and photosystem i
208 731 5zghB Cryo-em structure of the red algal psi-lhcr
235 742 5zjiA Structure of photosystem i supercomplex with light-harvesting complexes i and ii
263 739 5zf0B1 X-ray structure of the electron transfer complex between ferredoxin and photosystem i
12 80 5zf0C1 X-ray structure of the electron transfer complex between ferredoxin and photosystem i
9 80 5zghC Cryo-em structure of the red algal psi-lhcr
278 751 5oy0A Structure of synechocystis photosystem i trimer at 2.5a resolution
264 731 5oy02 Structure of synechocystis photosystem i trimer at 2.5a resolution