Found 765 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 151 - 200. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Ribosomal_L6

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
30 174 5ibb51 Structure of t. thermophilus 70s ribosome complex with mrna, trnafmet and cognate trnaval in the a-site
26 174 5imqe Structure of ribosome bound to cofactor at 3.8 angstrom resolution
42 174 4v95BH Crystal structure of yaej bound to the 70s ribosome
19 167 6n1dAL06 X-ray crystal complex showing spontaneous ribosomal translocation of mrna and trnas into a chimeric hybrid state
33 174 6gsk51 Structure of t. thermophilus 70s ribosome complex with mrna, trnafmet and near-cognate trnathr in the a-site
29 171 6gsl51 Structure of t. thermophilus 70s ribosome complex with mrna, trnafmet and cognate trnaarg in the a-site
41 196 5mrcF Structure of the yeast mitochondrial ribosome - class a
30 172 6eriAG Structure of the chloroplast ribosome with chl-rrf and hibernation-promoting factor
33 191 5jupM Saccharomyces cerevisiae 80s ribosome bound with elongation factor eef2-gdp-sordarin and taura syndrome virus ires, structure ii (mid-rotated 40s subunit)
25 170 5vpoRH The 70s p-site asl sufa6 complex
26 176 5jteBG Cryo-em structure of an ermbl-stalled ribosome in complex with a-, p-, and e-trna
26 176 5ju8BG Cryo-em structure of an ermbl-stalled ribosome in complex with p-, and e-trna
23 174 5t7vLL Methicillin resistant, linezolid resistant staphylococcus aureus 70s ribosome (delta s145 ul3)
12 174 5tcuLL Methicillin sensitive staphylococcus aureus 70s ribosome
37 174 5fdv1H Crystal structure of the pyrrhocoricin antimicrobial peptide bound to the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome
26 170 5vppRH The 70s p-site trna sufa6 complex
31 174 5e8151 Structure of t. thermophilus 70s ribosome complex with mrna and trnalys in the a-site with wobble pair
28 173 5el451 Structure of t. thermophilus 70s ribosome complex with mrna and trnalys in the a-site with a u-u mismatch in the first position
42 191 5tbwCK Crystal structure of chlorolissoclimide bound to the yeast 80s ribosome
32 174 5ib851 Structure of t. thermophilus 70s ribosome complex with mrna, trnafmet and near-cognate trnalys with u-g mismatch in the a-site
41 174 4v9fE The re-refined crystal structure of the haloarcula marismortui large ribosomal subunit at 2.4 angstrom resolution: more complete structure of the l7/l12 and l1 stalk, l5 and lx proteins
30 176 4v9oAG Control of ribosomal subunit rotation by elongation factor g
14 156 4wf9E The crystal structure of the large ribosomal subunit of staphylococcus aureus in complex with telithromycin
22 159 4v8qAH Complex of smpb, a tmrna fragment and ef-tu-gdp-kirromycin with the 70s ribosome
19 164 4v8xBH Structure of thermus thermophilus ribosome
15 159 4v97BH Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome ram mutation g299a.
24 167 4v9mBH 70s ribosome translocation intermediate fa-4.2a containing elongation factor efg/fusidic acid/gdp, mrna, and trna bound in the pe*/e state.
38 174 4w2iBH Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with negamycin, mrna and three deacylated trnas in the a, p and e sites
29 159 4v9iBH Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus 70s in complex with trnas and mrna containing a pseudouridine in a stop codon
26 167 4v9kBH 70s ribosome translocation intermediate gdpnp-i containing elongation factor efg/gdpnp, mrna, and trna bound in the pe*/e state.
24 164 4v8nBH The crystal structure of agmatidine trna-ile2 bound to the 70s ribosome in the a and p site.
31 174 4wsm51 Complex of 70s ribosome with trna-leu and mrna with g-u mismatch in the first position in the a- and p-sites
26 175 4v90BH Thermus thermophilus ribosome
27 159 4v9qAH Crystal structure of blasticidin s bound to thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome.
20 167 4w29BH 70s ribosome translocation intermediate containing elongation factor efg/gdp/fusidic acid, mrna, and trnas trapped in the ap/ap pe/e chimeric hybrid state.
20 167 4v9jBH 70s ribosome translocation intermediate gdpnp-ii containing elongation factor efg/gdpnp, mrna, and trna bound in the pe*/e state.
26 159 4wt8CF Crystal structure of bactobolin a bound to 70s ribosome-trna complex
34 174 4w2gBH Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with pactamycin (soaked), mrna and three deacylated trnas in the a, p and e sites
24 159 4v9nBH Crystal structure of the 70s ribosome bound with the q253p mutant of release factor rf2.
32 174 4wq151 Complex of 70s ribosome with trna-tyr and mrna with c-a mismatch in the first position in the a-site.
20 159 4v7zBH Structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome complexed with telithromycin.
21 191 4v7rBI Yeast 80s ribosome.
42 191 4v88BH The structure of the eukaryotic ribosome at 3.0 a resolution.
29 176 4v7sBG Crystal structure of the e. coli ribosome bound to telithromycin.
35 174 4v8iBH Crystal structure of yfia bound to the 70s ribosome.
28 176 4v7uBG Crystal structure of the e. coli ribosome bound to erythromycin.
24 159 4v7pBG Recognition of the amber stop codon by release factor rf1.
27 176 4v7tBG Crystal structure of the e. coli ribosome bound to chloramphenicol.
30 170 4v8bBH Crystal structure analysis of ribosomal decoding (near-cognate trna-leu complex).
26 176 4v85BG Crystal structure of release factor rf3 trapped in the gtp state on a rotated conformation of the ribosome.