Found 224 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 201 - 224. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Hemagglutinin; Chain A, domain 2

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
74 267 2virC Influenza virus hemagglutinin complexed with a neutralizing antibody
78 267 2vitC Influenza virus hemagglutinin, mutant with thr 155 replaced by ile, complexed with a neutralizing antibody
80 267 2visC Influenza virus hemagglutinin, (escape) mutant with thr 131 replaced by ile, complexed with a neutralizing antibody
84 320 2viuA Influenza virus hemagglutinin
62 342 2rftA Crystal structure of influenza b virus hemagglutinin in complex with lsta receptor analog
61 342 2rfuA Crystal structure of influenza b virus hemagglutinin in complex with lstc receptor analog
67 321 2ibxA Influenza virus (vn1194) h5 ha
65 322 2fk0A Crystal structure of a h5n1 influenza virus hemagglutinin.
63 314 1ti8A H7 haemagglutinin
76 324 1rvtH 1930 h1 hemagglutinin in complex with lstc
77 323 1rvxA 1934 h1 hemagglutinin in complex with lsta
74 324 1ruyH 1930 swine h1 hemagglutinin
63 324 1ruzH 1918 h1 hemagglutinin
77 324 1rv0H 1930 swine h1 hemagglutinin complexed with lsta
74 323 1rvzA 1934 h1 hemagglutinin in complex with lstc
74 323 1ru7A 1934 human h1 hemagglutinin
62 328 1rd8A Crystal structure of the 1918 human h1 hemagglutinin precursor (ha0)
74 317 1qfuA Influenza virus hemagglutinin complexed with a neutralizing antibody
71 321 1jsnA Structure of avian h5 haemagglutinin complexed with lsta receptro analog
72 321 1jsoA Structure of avian h5 haemagglutinin bound to lstc receptor analog
78 321 1jsmA Structure of h5 avian haemagglutinin
77 317 1jsiA Crystal structure of h9 haemagglutinin bound to lstc receptor analog
76 317 1jshA Crystal structure of h9 haemagglutinin complexed with lsta receptor analog
75 317 1jsdA Crystal structure of swine h9 haemagglutinin