Found 2399 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 201 - 250. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query ec:

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
287 1204 7ml1B Rna polymerase ii pre-initiation complex (pic2)
259 1341 7q0jC Rna polymerase elongation complex in more-swiveled conformation
439 1500 7mljD Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus reiterative transcription complex with 4nt oligo-g rna
352 1450 7ml2A Rna polymerase ii pre-initiation complex (pic3)
280 1204 7ml2B Rna polymerase ii pre-initiation complex (pic3)
254 1358 7q0kD Rna polymerase elongation complex in less-swiveled conformation
23 94 7mljE Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus reiterative transcription complex with 4nt oligo-g rna
308 1204 7ml0B Rna polymerase ii pre-initiation complex (pic1)
313 1118 7mljC Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus reiterative transcription complex with 4nt oligo-g rna
332 1282 8hihD Cryo-em structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis transcription initiation complex with transcription factor glnr
286 1121 7ok0B Cryo-em structure of the sulfolobus acidocaldarius rna polymerase at 2.88 a
29 90 7befE Structures of class ii bacterial transcription complexes
16 78 7l7bE Clostridioides difficile rnap with fidaxomicin
26 224 7l7bA Clostridioides difficile rnap with fidaxomicin
317 1339 7ubnC Transcription antitermination complex: nusa-containing "engaged" qlambda-loading complex
288 1363 7szjD Cryo-em structure of rifamycin bound to e. coli rnap and rrnbp1 promoter complex
323 1362 7ubnD Transcription antitermination complex: nusa-containing "engaged" qlambda-loading complex
241 1204 7mk9B Complex structure of trailing ec of ec+ec (trailing ec-focused)
330 1477 8p4eA Structural insights into human co-transcriptional capping - structure 5
345 1378 8iueA Rna polymerase iii pre-initiation complex melting complex 1
328 1358 8eh8J Cryo-em structure of his-elemental paused elongation complex with a folded tl and a rotated rh-fl (1)
282 1340 8ehaI Cryo-em structure of his-elemental paused elongation complex with a folded tl and a rotated rh-fl (out)
292 1358 8ehiJ Cryo-em structure of his-elemental paused elongation complex with an unfolded tl (2)
295 1358 8ehaJ Cryo-em structure of his-elemental paused elongation complex with a folded tl and a rotated rh-fl (out)
298 1340 8eh8I Cryo-em structure of his-elemental paused elongation complex with a folded tl and a rotated rh-fl (1)
255 1159 8p4eB Structural insights into human co-transcriptional capping - structure 5
396 1477 8waqo Structure of transcribing complex 7 (tc7), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 7nt downstream of tss.
392 1477 8waoo Structure of transcribing complex 5 (tc5), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 5nt downstream of tss.
301 1159 8wapp Structure of transcribing complex 6 (tc6), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 6nt downstream of tss.
298 1159 8warp Structure of transcribing complex 8 (tc8), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 8nt downstream of tss.
392 1477 8wapo Structure of transcribing complex 6 (tc6), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 6nt downstream of tss.
300 1159 8wasp Structure of transcribing complex 9 (tc9), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 9nt downstream of tss.
393 1477 8waro Structure of transcribing complex 8 (tc8), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 8nt downstream of tss.
393 1477 8wako Structure of transcribing complex 2 (tc2), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 2nt downstream of tss.
387 1477 8waso Structure of transcribing complex 9 (tc9), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 9nt downstream of tss.
387 1477 8walo Structure of transcribing complex 3 (tc3), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 3nt downstream of tss.
394 1477 8wano Structure of transcribing complex 4 (tc4), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 4nt downstream of tss.
304 1159 8wakp Structure of transcribing complex 2 (tc2), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 2nt downstream of tss.
298 1159 8waqp Structure of transcribing complex 7 (tc7), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 7nt downstream of tss.
296 1159 8wanp Structure of transcribing complex 4 (tc4), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 4nt downstream of tss.
302 1159 8waop Structure of transcribing complex 5 (tc5), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 5nt downstream of tss.
299 1159 8walp Structure of transcribing complex 3 (tc3), the initially transcribing complex with pol ii positioned 3nt downstream of tss.
375 1462 8jh3A Rna polymerase ii elongation complex containing 40 bp upstream dna loop, stalled at shl(-1) of the nucleosome
385 1462 8jh4A Rna polymerase ii elongation complex containing 60 bp upstream dna loop, stalled at shl(-1) of the nucleosome
330 1462 8jh2A Rna polymerase ii elongation complex bound with elf1, spt4/5 and foreign dna, stalled at shl(-1) of the nucleosome
319 1214 8jh4B Rna polymerase ii elongation complex containing 60 bp upstream dna loop, stalled at shl(-1) of the nucleosome
316 1214 8jh3B Rna polymerase ii elongation complex containing 40 bp upstream dna loop, stalled at shl(-1) of the nucleosome
259 1214 8jh2B Rna polymerase ii elongation complex bound with elf1, spt4/5 and foreign dna, stalled at shl(-1) of the nucleosome
223 1340 7vwyC Cryo-em structure of rob-dependent transcription activation complex in a unique conformation
203 1362 7vwzD Cryo-em structure of rob-dependent transcription activation complex in a unique conformation